Man this is just pain central. I also kinda feel bad for youngwoo, I mean he did give 10 years of his life and love to someone, he got a real shitty end of the stick.
I believe yoon and the director/head reporter guy will end up together, they just need to pull their heads out of their asses but they’ll be fine in the long run I believe.
Taejoo on the other hand will probably have to live with the consequences of 1. Not waiting for Yoon (and really can you blame him? It was 10 years) and 2. Not realizing that as soon as Yoon came back that he still had feelings for him and pushing him away.
But as of right now it’s just pain all a round
That’s right, fight for your man! (Even though he’s not cheating lol)
Also look at how hard Chen is trying, I love him so much ugh
Whew… knew the whole situation would only be a misunderstanding I just hope it clears up soon before the white haired guy starts spreading rumors to worsen the situation
Jake’s physique is just soooo . I love when both MCs are muscular but one them still has a slightly bigger build.
I don’t know if I missed or forgot something but why are the brothers so surprised to see each other. Was Haegyeon estranged from his family or something or have we not gotten the backstory for that answer as yet?
Cuteness overload!!!!!!!!! They are literally so perfect omg
I don’t think there’s any coming back from this, like there is no redemption for Hwan to me at this point. I literally cannot see this ending on a happy note anymore
I laughed wayyyyyy too hard at that Shining reference
I know we got some serious plot this chapter but can we take a moment to appreciate Ahjuicy with his hair down like ugh just how much hotter can he get.
Also why do authors draw assholes so hot it’s not fair
Honestly it’s very clear the Chunwoo and Taesoo love each other and I think that if Chunwoo were to end up in a relationship with Ho-in it would be very unfair to Ho-in because it’s clear he wouldn’t be as emotionally invested.
At this point I wouldn’t even mind if Ho-in ended up with his best friend because a relationship with Chunwoo at this point is just heart break waiting to happen
Okay I’m totally sold on this manwha. Just eleven chapters in and it’s already one of my favorites
The snake story is very interesting. I can definitely see it as a full length BL, doesn’t hurt that the top and bottom are very attractive too
This chapter was so funny and the second couple looks interesting as well, I wouldn’t mind seeing more of them
This definitely gonna be a misunderstanding but I hope it ends soon cause I can’t bear to see him in pain and doubting their relationship
It’s all in the eyes. Hwan has crazy eyes his true nature is beginning to show. This chapter made me so uncomfortable like I don’t even enjoy the sex between them anymore cause I know the disgusting things Hwan will do to him later.
This manwha is so wild, now why did they have to shows us his butthole all stretched like that (this is a joke)
Also get well soon author!!!!! Thanks for the great work