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Chris July 22, 2021 4:14 pm

Man this is just pain central. I also kinda feel bad for youngwoo, I mean he did give 10 years of his life and love to someone, he got a real shitty end of the stick.

I believe yoon and the director/head reporter guy will end up together, they just need to pull their heads out of their asses but they’ll be fine in the long run I believe.

Taejoo on the other hand will probably have to live with the consequences of 1. Not waiting for Yoon (and really can you blame him? It was 10 years) and 2. Not realizing that as soon as Yoon came back that he still had feelings for him and pushing him away.

But as of right now it’s just pain all a round

    watcher51 July 22, 2021 4:23 pm

    oh boy trust me u won t feel anything for youngwoo further in the story he deserves what comes for him

    dcast20 July 22, 2021 4:26 pm

    It was five years. Taejoo was separated from Yoon for five years. It took him two years after Yoon disappeared to hook up with youngwoo. Youngwoo was friends with him for the first 7 years but was secretly yearning for him. So yeah I can blame taejoo not only for the short time it took for him to get with someone else, but also for the shitty way he treated yoon when he came back. I don't feel sorry for youngwoo either because he knew what happened to Yoon and kept that a secret from taejoo.

    Chris July 22, 2021 4:26 pm
    oh boy trust me u won t feel anything for youngwoo further in the story he deserves what comes for him watcher51

    I just read further down in the comments and saw a spoiler and yeah I do take back my sympathy for him . He’s a piece of shit

    shacchi July 22, 2021 4:47 pm
    It was five years. Taejoo was separated from Yoon for five years. It took him two years after Yoon disappeared to hook up with youngwoo. Youngwoo was friends with him for the first 7 years but was secretly year... dcast20

    i'm pretty sure you got the timeline wrong. taejoo and youngwoo only started dating 6 months before yoon came back to korea. taejoo waited for roughly 4,5 years waiting for his bf he doesn't know is even alive or not. not excusing his shitty acts in the early chapters, but man's loyal. he deserves to move on, rather than driving himself to the grave like he did during his waiting

    Hnnah July 22, 2021 5:01 pm
    It was five years. Taejoo was separated from Yoon for five years. It took him two years after Yoon disappeared to hook up with youngwoo. Youngwoo was friends with him for the first 7 years but was secretly year... dcast20

    Taejoo waited more than 2 years.... his relationship with youngwoo is new... honestly Taejoo got the shifty end of the stick... the only reason he decided to try with youngwoo is because he thought he raped him while he was drunk... if that didn't happen taejoo would probably still be depressed and grieving for yoon... but I still don't appreciate how he treated Yoon so... I wish him all the best with someone else... and youngwoo oh well no sympathy left for him

    dcast20 July 22, 2021 5:09 pm
    i'm pretty sure you got the timeline wrong. taejoo and youngwoo only started dating 6 months before yoon came back to korea. taejoo waited for roughly 4,5 years waiting for his bf he doesn't know is even alive ... shacchi

    Oh yeah I reread it and it was 6 months. Sorry for the confusion, I don't know where I got 2 years from lol. Still I stand that he didn't wait 10 years like previously suggested.

Chris July 22, 2021 4:03 pm

That’s right, fight for your man! (Even though he’s not cheating lol)

Also look at how hard Chen is trying, I love him so much ugh

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