In a world where objects with names become living creatures, a 2nd year college student named Sosuke...
- Author: ume-chi
- Genres: Romance / Yaoi / Fantasy / Supernatural
“Are you running away after sleeping with me?”After reuniting 8 years later, something o...
- Author: majungji
- Genres: Adult / Yaoi / Drama
It's been a year since Ryuji Honjo graduated high school and started university. And so far, de...
- Author: Kon shota
- Genres: Yaoi / Comedy / Drama / Romance / School Life
Leo Lombardi’s a hotshot L1 racecar driver for Team Zeus. He’s young, good-looking and h...
- Author: Pyogo
- Genres: Drama / Romance / Yaoi / Webtoons / Sports
From Ikemen Manga:A fun romantic comedy revolving around Wada Erina, a high school girl who absolute...
- Author: Senri miko
- Genres: Comedy / Romance / Slice Of Life / Supernatural
Her boyfriend was stolen through an online game! During this heartbreak, she logged in to the game a...
- Author: mashiro
- Genres: Romance
The rude guy Hibari met at the ramen place turns out to be Gaku, a band member attending her art sch...
- Author: Iwashita keiko
- Genres: Shoujo / Romance / Slice Of Life
Ahn Tae-rim, the executive designer for a lingerie brand, finds himself increasingly bothered by the...
- Author: Majjip
- Genres: Webtoons / Yaoi / Adult / Smut / Office Workers / Romance Webtoons Webtoons Office Workers Romance