kya asked question about went braless

Because I spent too much time looking it up so I might as well feed y'all this knowledge. If you don't wanna read, that's on you. Version with pictures: As odd as it is for a layperson, not every woman is a feminist. Also nowadays feminists aren't only women and they do not fight solely for women rights.......

kya shared experience about went braless
Because I spent too much time looking it up so I might as well feed y'all this knowledge. As odd as it is for a layperson, not every woman is a feminist. Also nowadays feminists aren't only women and they do not fight solely for women rights. It's important to mention that men's liberation from the socio-cultural constraints of sexism and gender r......
kya answered question about song lyrics stuck in head
As odd as it is, not every woman is a feminist. Also nowadays feminists aren't only women and they do not fight solely for women rights. And there's a lot of feminine names missing. So lemme help with some feminist names with a quick Google search: Hélène Cixous Novelist, literary critic and poet Cixous is famous for her analyses of the unco......

Wow, I truly cannot express how much I love this story. For those who want to read it, beware that this isn't a regular "love story" as per say. There are love interests of course but the plot is very little about the romance. It's a story about a tyrant empress who "come back to her senses" and fix her new founded empire post-war. There's stuff like nobility titles, taxes and corruption that are very relevant to the story.

The FL is very much aware of the romantic feelings that some characters have for her but for reasons she treats them as colleagues. If you're into the political side of ruling an empire, this one is for you. If you love the slowest of slow-burns, you get the idea. Each character is well develop and defined along with their personalities and motivations. Even if you're unable to understand their complexity at a first glance.

Also any hatred towards manager Lee is welcome. It may see odd but I ship Julia and Cyril.

kya answered question about talk to yourself
About a thousand ig. I ain't counting the upvotes of my 311 answers.
kya answered question about become happy again
My doggo. Her name is Isabela, she's 9 months old and likes eating banana^^
kya answered question about talk to yourself
I never understood why he's always one of the top comments of any given manga when he often comments gross stuff and talk about yaoi in mangas that aren't even BL.
kya answered question about song lyrics stuck in head
EIAROS, I think you should take a break from this website.
kya answered question about song lyrics stuck in head
This is copypasta isn't it
kya created a topic of Who Can Define Popularity?

From the group meeting to this dating rumor, it's pretty clear that all Yujin wants is attention. She wants clout. Her 15 minutes of fame. The moment people lost the interest in her after she denied the rumor, Yujin dug out dusty shit from Siwon's past, without his consent, just so she can keep being relevant.

kya answered question about song lyrics stuck in head
Mayhaps you want to close your eyes and smell some grass.
kya answered question about question
First things first, one does not fetishize BL, they fetishize MLM (Man-Loving-Man) relationships. BL is a truly flawed genre, with 99% of its contents revolving around misconceptions towards MLM relationships. Denying that and pretending there's nothing with it is fetishizing. Getting off by reading BL when you're not a MLM is fetishizing. Wanting......
kya answered question about help explain something
Liberals are scared of learning and making decisions. They want to see the world becoming a better place but does nothing to change it. They want representation but wants to support the capitalism that condones it. Most people are so conditioned to the far-right agenda that anything moderate is radical. This is specially true for America.
kya asked question about help explain something

Yes, I'm bringing this here because I'm curious about y'all. So here's a new test! Please share your result :P

kya answered question about make a picrew
old we had this picrew before
kya answered question about stay at home for several days
Fruity the block button is looking real nice rn
kya created a topic of What It Means to be You everyone is saying shit about Winter. No, I'll not defend his ignorance towards his wife's situation since I still want to know why the fuck he stuck with his dad's family knowing he even though he's filthy rich the duke will never hand him the nobility title.

What I'm gonna say is even though I don't agree with but I can understand the reason of his mean behavior. If you pay attention to it, you'll notice that Winter's rude and a fucking ass to everyone not just Violet. The whole reason why he wasn't able to finish his deal with coffee dude from chapter 1 was his lack of manners and social skills.

He grew up as a slave, beaten up every day and nearly starving to death. He wasn't taught that he's supposed to be nice, give attention and share time with someone to show them he cares. He thinks that only material things, such as money and gifts, are valuable. That's why gets deeply upset when Violet refuses his offer of a material reward. Winter's a shithole on the way he speaks but he's always regretful of it afterwards.

Violet, on the other hand, deeply blames herself for her husband financial downfall and turned to not protest against the ill-intended actions of her in-laws. She wanted to have herself as something valuable to give to Winter after her brother's scam. But when her own husband didn't show any interest in her as a wife, there was no meaning for her life. Her mother and brothers only care about themselves and her in-laws keep harassing her for something that wasn't even her fault.

They both have an inferiority complex but the way they deal with it are completely different. Winter's crude behavior is his own self-defense mechanism to deal with it due to his lowly origins. Stuck in his own past and receiving prejudice for being a dirty foreigner because of his grey eyes and thought as stupid for falling for a millionaire scam. Violet has no self-esteem and doubts that anyone would genuinely care for her. Keeps being harassed by other's mistakes is thought as a joke by her own subordinates. Till the moment she decides to take her own life.

Both characters have something to learn and grow from. Winter need to learn how to treat people and let go of his own past and Violet needs to learn how to love herself and stand up for herself against others.

Anyways that's my own take on it so feel to comment whether you agree or disagree with me and why. Looking forward to see how the story goes between them.

kya asked question about defining words

IM HOLDING OUT FOR A HIMBO TILL THE END OF THE NIGHT hes gotta be strong and hes gotta be fast and hes gotta be dumb and polite

kya answered question about crying
Who the hell thought it was real lol poking harmless jokes at men is fine