kya answered question about lgbt
About the monosexual bit, I found this pretty good video about it:
kya asked question about lgbt

"(...) We are tired of being analyzed, defined and represented by people other than ourselves—or worse yet, not considered at all. We are frustrated by the imposed isolation and invisibility that comes from being told or expected to choose either a homosexual or heterosexual identity. Monosexuality is a heterosexist dictate used to oppress homose......

kya answered question about question
not give a shit. i find everything here somewhere else and i have all my mangas saved on anilist so why should i worry?
kya answered question about yall ever just feel sad
Hello! I know how you're feeling. But don't worry so much! Just tell them! Say something like "Hi! So today is my birthday, and I just wanted to let you know because you're especial to me :D I'm not asking for presents or anything, I just want to share a piece of this day with you!" Something simple like that will make your friends feel flattered ......
kya asked question about okay for gay

Yo, this is a history lesson. So sit your ass down and watch this. And please comment your opinion down here afterwards.

kya answered question about question
Everything about harem is essentially flawed. The MC dude that is bland as fuck, is supposed to serve as a blank slate where male weebs can project themselves onto. The girls have their personality chosen from a list of 10 or so stereotypes and their only purpose is to sell merch and make simps cry. They're objects, to be used and abused by the MC'......
kya asked question about unpopular opinion

And that's my unpopular opinion. Most people who said to have such a kink told they have a desire to have be taken advantage of and have control taken from them. Doesn't BDSM include those things to some degree? If you plan it out with a Dom with proper consent and a safe word, you could find whatever you're actually looking for. There's no need fo......

kya asked question about using mangago

I want to downvote some questions and answers so bad but I can't D:

kya created a topic of On my own

Is it just me or the body proportions are looking a bit off lately, especially this chapter? You know, tiny heads and long and skinny bodies. I'm fine with them being tall but why the heads look so small?!

kya answered question about your opinions
kya answered question about question
Just another month for companies to shove ugly rainbow clothing down our throats. Tell me in all honesty if you'd go outside on a regular basis wearing something like these:
kya asked question about your opinions

I'm gathering some data and it'd really help me out if you could listen these two songs and tell me your opinion about them. Even if you don't like it, it's fine! Just be honest in your answer.


Once again, thank you so much ded for the upload! I'm sorry for the people who started attacking you when you weren't even the one whom took the other chapters down. Thank you! Thank you! For still uploading despite everything! Take care and lots of tasty food! (^3^)b

kya created a topic of There was a Hero

She's just a kind and lonely old lady with a scary face. Dino is like the grandchild she never had.

kya answered question about cooking
"Up to 90 percent of mugs in office kitchens are coated in germs, research has shown, and 20 percent of those cups actually carry fecal matter. According to University of Arizona professor of environmental microbiology Dr. Charles Gerba, who carried out the 1997 study, rarely changed communal kitchen sponges are the key culprit in spreading bact......
kya answered question about cooking
Pasta and fried chicken. I can bake simple cakes as well.
kya answered question about question
You should be embarrassed because it's a fucking weird shit to ask your friends in the first place. As their friend, you shouldn't be so invested in their love lives to the point of obsessing over your desire of them being together. It's creepy. They're not into each other but you want to keep pretending they are. It's nothing to be proud of. You g......
kya answered question about make a picrew
Did OP just assumed that everyone on this website is pale white? There are other picrews with more diversity than this one. And there are males here as well yk
kya answered question about read oldest comment on mangago
I'm not OP but I still I want to explain it to everyone who did not get it. User "FRUITY LOOPS smh" should've replied if they know user "-p0lterge1st" and user "tehah" if they know user "FRUITY LOOPS smh". And I should've replied to "tehah", which I don't know sorry. It's a chain where whoever comments has to say whether they know the most rece......
kya answered question about question
A couple of times. I just do not to fall for people that often. It was a friend of mine. I would with him and many other friends during lunch and sometimes we would walk home in the same direction. It's now the last day of school. We part ways as always and me, a dumb kid at the time, has this urge to run up to him and kiss him. Luckily, I didn't.......