I’m literally just waiting for this to hit the 9.0 rating mark lmao it’s been 8.9 for so long and i feel like now’s the time for it to shine especially now that it’s on the front page!!! my lil mentally unstable vampires (and vampire wannabes) deserve it <3
and I am so excited yet so sad to see this go. been reading this one since 2019 and I’ve enjoyed it ever since. c’mon junghyun and hom, make things right!!!
What a lovely ending :’) For a sec there, I was convinced everything was gonna go south and it would end miserably, but then I remembered that this *is* technically a lighthearted shounen. So happy that they all became each other’s family in the end <3
I’m literally just waiting for this to hit the 9.0 rating mark lmao it’s been 8.9 for so long and i feel like now’s the time for it to shine especially now that it’s on the front page!!! my lil mentally unstable vampires (and vampire wannabes) deserve it <3