Omggg y’all, what if the reason Pi Bada doesn’t remember is because Doha removed his tape, meaning all his memories of being players with other people are gone and somehow played the game himself alone?? And then Doha also removed Yong-Taek (the dumb guy who says dad jokes) his tape, which is why Yong-Taek was like, what happened these last couple rounds, meaning if you remove players tape, they look like regular NPCs the next couple rounds until you put their tape back in??? Pi Bada accidentally put Yong-Taek’s tape back in, which is why Yong-Taek suddenly remembers that he is a player now, and his memories of “playing” come back. They won’t remember that they played the game in the rounds you didn’t put their tape in. Where everyone’s tapes are located/appear are also a mystery.
I think Doha removed everyone’s tape, including his and maybe restarted with a NEW TAPE to reset absolutely everything and everyone, just so he could get closer to Pi Bada. Of course, they’d somehow find out everything one day, idkh, but it feels like something Doha would do, considering he’s so obsessed with Pi Bada. He has no memories of Pi Bada and everyone else, but he trusted himself enough to fall in love with Pi Bada again.
For anyone who wants to read the rest of the chapters, I remember them being translated somewhere else and I was really happy since I waited like 2-3 years. I'm not sure where, but I know they're out there somewhere. ( ̄∇ ̄")
Do you mind sharing some spoilers?