So cute so motivating so Extravagant so charming put in a Blender shit on it eat it
They look like marshmallows with hair so cute
Weird question but do you guys read hentai?Very serious question
Yeah only yuri tho
Yeah lol i don't mind what kind, as long as Its a good reference lmao
thats such a random question lol but yeah yuri is where it’s at
Ofc. Mostly Yaoi, but if i find a good yuri then hells yeah!
uh I do,,, however its usually just yuri doujinshi's since a lot of hentai plots aren't very good </3 and the ones that are,,, are usually incest or p3d0phili4 which I'm strictly against (/TДT)/
Why is mom in Yuri manga such bitches
Yeah lol
omggg thiss
My disappointment is Immeasurable and now my day is ruined
Apple bottom jeans boots with the fur while club looking at herrrr she hit the floor next thing you know she she got low low low low low low low low
Aww shit I messed it up
Yo Disappear like Batman talking with Gordon
Tae is just simply amassing
Awww man they are soooooo cute
This Arthur is amazing to sooth my perverted mind
So cute so motivating so Extravagant so charming put in a Blender shit on it eat it