Rim Myaz's experience ( All 0 )

Rim Myaz's answer ( All 36 )

about question
I'll be their baby's baby sitter. Their baby is too darn cute. I'll look out for their kid while they compete for the gold medal in both swimming and skating. Also I know some herbal medcine that will help with his Yiho's back pain (don't know if I got his name right lol)   reply
26 07,2024
about cosplay
I put acid in their bathing water. They have a beautiful burn on their face now. Does that answer your question?   1 reply
20 07,2024
about cosplay
THIS BASTAED FROM 'NON ZERO SUM' . Not only is he a rapist, he's a sadistic piece of shit who organizes gang rapes on the MC. He derived pleasure from abusing the MC both Phyiscally and mentally (He literally beats the shit out of him). He does this because the MC likes him. I dont know what else to call him but a hige sac of human shit! Disgustin......   4 reply
20 07,2024
Rim Myaz
06 05,2024
I call bullshit!! I said strongly disagree to thinking others are better than me and being aggressive but I still got this score. Let me speak to the manager   reply
06 05,2024
about question
People judging you for liking what you like. This is not a court room Patricia, get with the program.   reply
07 02,2024

Rim Myaz's question ( All 2 )

My boyfriend is suspicious I'm talking to another dude because I always smile at my phone...How do I tell him I'm reading YAOI and Shounen-aiಥ‿ಥ
16 07,2021
How do I wake up from bed in the morning without feeling like to punch someone in the face?
16 07,2021