Okay these shallow af mofos (I left off at 4 when the manga was still new so I 'm only that far and only just rereading now ), the only guy I like is the friend (who I am assuming could actually be gay , who knows ).
I do very much love Junko (the yaoi goddess ) and I love the idea of how this is about a fujoshi but I just don 't like the road this reverse harem is taking . Sure looks may be the start of a relationship , it 's normal and people who say otherwise or say that they go for personality are 80% lying right out of their asses , but I just don 't like the shallow approach of these guys . I mean maybe aside from 5 (dark hair dude ) who was nice and the friend who is actually my favorite and because of how unfazed he was a it the change . But ... the fact that after her change in appearance they all of a sudden want to be with her , it just kinda annoys me , and sends a bad vibe about the guys , ESPECIALLY bishounen (kohai ) and maybe 7 (blonde dude ) .
I don 't really know , I just have mixed feelings about this . I'll still read or catch up though (we 'll see form there on if I decide to continue or not ), for junko and for my own amusement , I mean I am a fujoshi and I do sometimes like reverse harems ~

I totally agree with you. I'm still reading it and I do find it funny (especially since Junko IS a yaoi goddess!) But the shallowness of it all since they've "realized" she has potential because her looks changed makes me sad. Maybe it's just a way for her to get noticed and then they grow to like her in other ways... but yeah. Makes me feel kinda weird about it all!

Yeah I know , but I 'd opt out Mustumi from that shallow list , he barely noticed but maybe he was unconsciously doing it ? Who knows , we weren 't given again bg relationships about him and Kae aside from them being friends . But yeah , I suppose they were redeemed later on (when Kae got chubby again after all those chocolates xD) to prove that it they weren 't going just for her looks , tho I feel that was more on Igarashi 's part =v=;

this Is ADORABLE ~~~!! Omfg , it 's similar to 19 Days , I don 't know if it 's crates by the same person but the art and a style of the comics is similar , but yeah super cute manhua ^^

Look.. What I got. Heh~ (◠‿◠❀)

Is was alright , the relationship progression seemed a little rushed and overdone , I mean it IS only one volume so it 's understandable . Couldn 't hell but laugh tho , at some parts , the sudden comffesions and what not , corny but cute xD
I feel bad for Shinpei , with Ryo taking all of his jobs b /c of his possessiveness , sigh =3=
It 's cute and someone people have mentioned this but you 're gonna have to make light of those forceful rape like positions . You 're gonna have to do a lot when reading manga unless if the genre states otherwise ovo; This IS suppose to be a light cute manga , as what shoujo one volumers usually are xD