2024-07-05 06:51 marked
2024-05-24 06:21 marked

(KAMASUTRA) Hardcore porn BL

Many people asked me to make this album public ...so here it goes !!
But please carry some tissues !

if someone buys this doujinshi then plz send me the link
2024-03-10 12:46 marked

(mostly) uncensored schlongs ( ° ʖ °)

with the occasional full color panels for your enjoyment. the most censorship you will find here are the black bars.
2024-01-17 08:11 marked
a sensitive uke , cruel seme , innocent uke
thanks in advance
2022-10-27 11:00 marked

What’s empowering to women depends on the woman, if u as a straight women find stories about mlm and their sexual relationships empowering good for u ig, but like what was the liberating part for u, I’m curious

2022-07-16 14:33 marked
2020-04-04 03:00 marked
Where can I find the mangago app?
It's closing every time I try to open the app and I can't find a new link for the app can anyone help me please?
Thank you (▰˘◡˘▰)
2019-12-08 06:00 marked

Bisexual. Found out pretty early around 11 (idk 6th grade). All my first were with a girl and I thought I was a lesbian, but I found I was attracted to men as well and experimented.

2019-11-07 06:35 marked


What can I say??, loveeee threesomme
2019-01-18 10:42 marked

Sensuous Understated

One panel is not enough to capture the sensuous and erotic scenes in these fabulous mangas what to do but to save from foreplay to climax , so perverted right?...
2018-05-19 14:44 marked
Careful SPOILERS of volume 7
Thanks to those who shared russian scans of a part of vol 7, thanks to any scanlator team and to anyone who shares any info on this manga, spoilers incuded, I love it!
I understand Russian a bit and I'd like to clarify something which seems to shake fans, that is the presence of a certain person in volume 7........

Careful spoiler

Dont' read if you don' want to know....

Ok, the blond guy you see at the airport is not Will, Will is dead and dead remains, that guy who looks like him it's his younger brother John and seeing him makes Yamato feel upset.....
2017-09-03 10:33 marked
((Scroll down if you want to read some rough translations))









CHAP. 3.

Main girl: "What!"

Bullies: "You should behave if you do not ...
We will make sure you do not move again"

Main girl: (thinking) 'With them holding me so tight, there's no way I can escape. I must think of a way.' **out loud to the bullies**
"I can give you all of my savings but I need to go to my room to get the money. I swear I will not run away!"

Bully: "Unfortunately, we are not interested in your money."

Main girl: "What do they want from me? Let me go!"

Bully: "We will talk about this money later, when we finish having fun."

**Main girl bites the hand of one of the bullies and manages to run away**

Bully: (in pain) "No! Damn you!"

Main girl: (thinking while running away) 'I absolutely can't fall into their hands!'

Bullies: (chasing her) "You bitch! ...Catch her!"

Main girl: (at the people and students nearby) "Help!" **The students just look on**

**Running across the school campus, she's about to run past a blond girl in a fancy dress holding an umbrella, but the girl smirks to herself and trips her with the umbrella, causing her to fall down a set of stairs**

Main girl: "Ah!"

**She falls and hits her head, opening a nasty wound on her forehead. About to pass out, she thinks stuff to herself**

Main girl: (thinking to herself) 'No... Do not try to ask for help from these people, it’s no use. No matter who, they'll just see your pain as entertainment!'
'As I thought I could not resist him (the vampire prince, Luo Yi), this was bound to happen ... This blind resistance of mine can only strengthen the bite. The truth is, I can't expect any help from the other humans in this school... because they do not want to change the way they behave'

'Sorry, Xiao Ling. I'm sorry for being such a lousy older sister (enough to get myself killed, leaving you all alone)'

((Scene change to the vampire prince on a balcony, talking to some (human?) guy friend))

Friend: "I heard you were called to the Director's office. It's all good, right?"

Prince: "No big deal, do not even mention it"

Freind: "I heard something today to that little girl who made you angry. Do you want to know?"

Prince: "If you want to say it, go ahead."

Friend: "LOL! Okay I will tell you. ...She fell down the stairs, hit her head, and it bled a little. Then she was taken away by some guys who had rape written all over their faces. ...What? You do not want to save that sorry little thing or anything, do you?"

Prince: "No"

Friend: "Really? Even if I say the one behind it is Mei Sha, wouldn’t that still bother you?"

((Scene change to an old abandoned classroom, with the bullies surrounding the unconscious main girl, who's lying on a tattered matress, on the floor))

Bully: "Ms. Mei Sha, what should we do with her now?"

Blond vampire girl: "This is too much to forgive." **grabs the unconscious girl's face** "Let me see your face."

Main girl: (half-conscious) 'A vampire?'

Vampire girl: "I see. You look like cheap meat. No wonder Luo Yi's had enough of you..." **to the bullies** "Okay, she's all yours now."

Bullies: "You mean we can…?"

Vampire girl: (turning to leave) "Play with her all you want."

Bullies: (excited) "Yes!"

**they surround the main girl, who's only half-conscious**

Bully 1: "Well, this girl's body is not bad at all ..."
Bully 2: "Now that you are obedient, you look more beautiful than before."
Bully 3: "Let's get her naked. ...Take it off!"

**they open her school shirt, uncovering her bra**

Main girl: (thinking, in horror** 'Don't! You can't do that! I must ... I must resist ... but ... I'm too weak to even move!'

**The vampire prince makes a spectacular entrance**

Prince: "Stop!"

Vampire girl: (who hadn't left yet, shocked) "Luo!"

Bullies: (shocked) "Master Luo Yi!"

Prince: "Get away from her! Leave!"

Bullies: "But Ms. Mei Sha gave us permission..."

Prince: (angry) "Do not make me say it again!
Get lost!"


Vampire prince: (threatening) "Keep away from her! Don't make me say it again! Get lost!

Bullies: (scared) "Ok, ok! We'll leave!"

**They leave**

Vampire girl: (approaching the prince nervousy) Um, Master Luo Yi...

Vampire prince: (turning to her) "Mei Sha, don't go and make decisions on your own, don't do unnecessary things!"

Vampire girl: (desperate) "But... I thought this was what you wanted??!!"

Prince: (unmoved): "Just get out! Leave!"

Vampire girl: (crestfallen) "...Yes"

**Vampire girl also leaves**

**The vampire prince leans down over the half-naked, half-conscious human girl, caresses her face and licks the wound on her forehead, healing it immediately**

Human girl: (half-conscious) "Eh..?"

**The human girl opens her eyes and sees who it is**

Human girl: (thinking) '...It was *him*??'

Vampire prince: (smug) "Had enough harassment? Are you ready to apologize? If you beg for forgiveness, I'll be lenient and forget anything ever happened..."

**The girl shakes her head, rejecting his offer. The vampire prince stares at her confused and then becomes angry**

Vampire prince: "What do you mean 'no'? It's only an apology! How long do you think you can keep this up?!"

Human girl: "It's my dignity as a human being" (thinking to herself) 'And also my hatred for your kind...'

**The vampire prince first looks shocked, then explodes in laughter**

Vampire prince: (derisive) "Pfff!!! Hahaha! ...Interesting! ...What a complete stupid woman!! What the hell do you mean by human dignity? Even now, you still don't know your own place!"

**Grabbing her arm, he pulls her up to him**

Vampire prince: (lifting her face up to his) "Alright, I've made up my mind. I'll make you my new blood servant"

Human girl: (shocked) "Huh?!?!" **trying to pull away** "No!! I don't want to!"

Vampire prince: (with veiled threat) "Hey, I heard you have a sick brother... is that true? If you don't agree to be my blood servant, I can let *him* be the one to take your place..."

**The girl pales**

Vampire prince: (smug) "What do you say?"

Human girl: (shaking) "I understand... I'll do it"

Vampire prince: (pleased, taking her in his arms) "Good girl" **whsipering in her ear** "Listen. From now on, even every single hair on your head exists only for my sake. ...Got it?"

**He bites her neck to suck her blood, and she screams, fainting in his arms. The prince grins**

((Scene changes to another part of the school with the vampire prince returning to his private quarters, where he is greeted by the maids while carrying the unconscious human girl in his arms.))

**He deposits the unconscious girl on a big chaise-longue in the living room**

Maid: (confused) "Young master, is this...?!?"

Prince: (looking at the group of maids) "Don't concern yourselves with this. Just do what you're told"

Maid: (humble) "Yes"

Prince: (walking away) "Just bathe her and leave her on my bed"

Maids: "Yes, young master"

((Scene change to the prince walking past his older brother, who's sitting and drinking tea on the veranda))

Older brother: "Yi, is it true you brought that girl here with you?"

Prince: (stopping to look at him from the corner of his eye) "It doesn't have anything to do with you"

Older brother: (standing up, nonchalant) "I'm just worried as your older borther. And as the president of this school, it's not the first time I warn you to be more discreet"

**He walks up to the prince**

Older brother: (reprimanding) "You're not a child anymore. Can't you be more prudent? You said you wanted to teach her a lesson, yet the moment you heard she was in danger, you ran to save her. Don't you care about your reputation? How far will this rebelliousness of yours go?"

Prince: (petulant) "I don't have any reason to explain myself to you"

Older brother: "Oh? That girl has really long hair... Did she remind you of your former blood servant, Fu Lei?" (the one from the prince's childhood)

Prince: (stung) Enough! Stop brining up that name in front of me!" **He leaves in anger**

((Scene change by the prince being greeted by two mainds at the door to his own bedchamber))

Maid: (bowing) "Young master, we've done as you asked. The girl is on the bed"

**They open the doors for him, just for the three of them to see the bedroom totally empty. The girl has escaped. Approaching an open window, the prince notices a bed-sheet rope.**

Prince: (thinking) 'That woman... 'I've really underestimated her!' **he smiles to himself**

To Be Continued.
2017-08-27 11:40 marked

[Heise Jinyao] Art / illustration

Wah~ Hawt Guy Everywhere! O(≧▽≦)O- That's how I feel when I first saw Heise Jinyao's art.
Heise draws various styles guys; I like the masculine ones with nice muscle in fantasy theme.
2017-06-26 07:53 marked

Good humour and lots of fluff. I'm in it for the laughs and the feels.

2017-06-02 13:31 marked
2017-05-21 02:53 marked
Korean Raw https://webtoon.bamtoki.com/%EA%B0%90%EA%B8%88%EC%B0%BD%EA%B3%A0
When i started this raws, i thought that Kim dohyun is a high schooler -_-
2017-03-07 13:50 marked
2017-03-01 21:51 marked

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