oxsydneyxo June 26, 2019 3:02 am

Does anyone else remember this being updated further than chapter 17? I swear I read past this part... but don't remember all this sexy time. I'm going crazy yall

oxsydneyxo June 16, 2019 4:37 pm

listen I really want him to like find all this proof about them being together and bring it up to the others all grand and ready for them all to hate Jiwon, but as he shows the group this proof they all go "Aw so cute!" and move on with it.

oxsydneyxo October 1, 2018 3:39 am

I really hope it doesnt go on for this very long,,, I'm not a huge fan of this angst. Obviously I love this manga but... the fact that this was RAPE and they are treating it as if he cheated... idk.

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