Pls tell the title of this story unfortunately a promo manhwa.
I can't quiet say the plot but I do remember that there's a short girl bec of her genes as a royal blackhair getting married to a not so soso rich Duke blonde hair. This short girl got transported back to their first marriage after she found out that her husband died with his parts scattered to the west, east, south, and north. Also the back of her right or left do know hand has a mark or a symbol of a royal. Pls tell me mothergingers I really want to read the novel again, I mean the English one. ಥ‿ಥ

I found the novel https://wuxiaworld.site/novel/she-was-sent-by-god/

So theres this manhwa that were a new witch was born when a witch died through falling by a form of a star more like being ressureected without any memories,adopt by a human but lately this grandpa human died so the witch felt sad until he met a black cat who turns intoba human since from their beliefs a wich should be with a cat .This is a pet,i guess of the Moon witch smthng like that butnthe witch died so yhe cat lived alone for a awhile.After the cat and the little witch met theyve become partners and lately going for adventure finding the-idk-what-bec-i-cant-remember thing.I want to read it again but i cant remember the name of it.HELP if someone know this manhwa.
Guys what chapter is this where Dan I is playing soccer on her pe class. Dan I and yeo Dan still a couple and the whole thing about Dan I go back from her reall world are done. Pls I forgot the chaps that I stopped and gorgot to even screen shot huhu. Someone out there? ಥ‿ಥ
why didn’t you comment at the manhwa but here
Oh yeah I forgot haha well theres really no difference is there? Welp thank you for reminding me.
lol no problem, also i forgot how rude i’d sound without caps on lmaooo. sorry abt that.
Np it's OK haha