I'm glad they put the spoiler thing bec I'm really pissed when someone put a warning spoiler beside the spoiler that they want to spoiled. I mean wtfish.What's the point putting a warning if we can already see or read clearly than the forehead of our neighbor what is about. I just can't skip it though bec I like reading comments. So yeah just glad.

Yeah I feel u, the amount of disappointment I have on this people just ranting out who the ML is, or what the other characters will be doing in the future chapters annoys the crap out of me like, umm SPOILER WARNING WHO?
And they be defensive like "oh u shouldn't have read it then", like btch I'm reading comments to talk about the recent chapters not the whole fcking story, when CLEARLY some of us aren't interested in reading the novel, and HAVE NOT read the novel at all *facepalm*
Spoiler [too late]: sorry for my rant lmaooo srly tho, it ain't that hard to put a FREAKING warning

I want to read this bec it's isekai genre even tho its one of the cringe i mean almost all isekai manhwas are cringe but i still love it for some other reasons and after I read the description "idol group"◉‿◉meh for me its just a nonsense idea even tjo its "intresting" I understand that the idea is bec she's from the entertainment industry but gurl? (☞ ಠ_ಠ)☞sorry for the author I can't read this but the art is nice so gj for the artist♪ヽ(・ˇ∀ˇ・ゞ)
Guys what chapter is this where Dan I is playing soccer on her pe class. Dan I and yeo Dan still a couple and the whole thing about Dan I go back from her reall world are done. Pls I forgot the chaps that I stopped and gorgot to even screen shot huhu. Someone out there? ಥ‿ಥ
Yeo Dan is who? Hair color ease
Yeo dan is the older brother