if you've read the novel please tell me! okay I just want to know, the original FL u know the real sister is she like nice and good and all of that or is she going to be like the storys villain or just a bad person???
Honey, isn't she really good because the real sister is dead but she's possessed by an evil spirit? Then she intends to control all the characters. Tsukki
Honey, isn't she really good because the real sister is dead but she's possessed by an evil spirit? Then she intends to control all the characters. Tsukki
if you've read the novel please tell meee. who is the guy on the cover with white hair. like is he going to be a love interest? is he a villain? like I wanna knooooooow
WAIT!!! does that mean that Elena is in love with.. OMGDOES IT??? I swear I shipped them basically from the start! (I do ship prim and the prince more tho)
if you've read the novel please tell me! okay I just want to know, the original FL u know the real sister is she like nice and good and all of that or is she going to be like the storys villain or just a bad person???
Someone told me that the sister is already dead. There's a demon that possess and use her body to attract the male leads.
Honey, isn't she really good because the real sister is dead but she's possessed by an evil spirit? Then she intends to control all the characters.
Why did shie die?