Spoiler alert for those who never read this manhwa (cuz this post shows up on the homepage).
I just read this today...
Man I felt so bad for the girl. Like the chief turned back time so much that he Abused it. Why does the chief have to misunderstand it like that. Like I understand that she was a bit touchy with him but that was because she felt pity. How can the chief not change and still act selfish and stupid throughout these 40 chapters. The girl was in love with Mino and if it worked out they could’ve had a happy life together.I was crying so much on that part ╥﹏╥. If anyone has the raws pleaze send me the link, I want to see how it ends..
I love this manhwa so much but I’m worried for the girl cuz like what if they fall in love but she ends up having no more pills to become a man or what if the black haired dude feels betrayed (but I’m sure they’re gunna get together cuz... it’s yaoi). Just my what ifs lolll