Well, on the spoiler page are the links, although the Spanish version always uploads the chapter the same day it comes out so..


Evan is still a child whom Charlotte must protect, she blames herself for the path he is taking when the reality is that it is not her fault that her disciple took that path, she did not force Evan, It really bothers me that she blames herself for everything, Before most people said Jeffrey was a manipulator but Evan is the one who is really manipulating Charlotte in the worst way. He becomes the victim because he knows she will believe him, he always has and acts like he's the only one hurt, he didn't attack Jeffrey because he knew charlotte would get there and she would hate Jeffrey, Evan set a trap for Jeffrey, it bothers me that she attacked Jeffrey as if he were a stranger and did not ask for forgiveness aloud, Jeffrey was also hurt but he did not complain, while Evan played his role as a victim very well, she still wants to keep changing diapers, According to her, disciples are children when they are already adults! she does not is interested in the love she was supposedly looking for, Charlotte's attitude is annoying, I hope Jeffrey doesn't give her another hand (she's rejecting his hand twice) and doesn't help her, he should get away from her, she should solve her problems alone and not involve innocent people just because she wants to protect the baby (Evan)

Also everyone says that Jeffrey wants to keep Charlotte away from disciples but Evan is the one who is taking care of that, he is taking everyone away from her and she doesn't realize it.

Stop giving fake spoiler, this is an original manhwa, no novel, only the author knows who the ml is

Ok the translation of that site t *** has many errors ... Why did they change some sentences? In the Korean version Evpadra does not confirm that he is the cataclysm, she says that is ambiguous (now I believe that rumor that they have their team and do everything to make it look good) ok let's see betrayal? Sorry, but Jeffrey doesn't have to become a submissive character for charlotte (the Koreans themselves have said it) doing whatever she wants and fulfilling her whims just because he loves her and putting his empire in danger for her is not something that he should not do, his empire could have been in danger if he had brought Evan there, didn't you see how monsters attacked Marveil? Jeffrey must concentrate on his empire, also he did it in a softer way, carthiliom wanted to do it in a more cruel way, it really does not bother me that he does what he wants (They are nothing, she has never trusted him even though he in the past did everything for her) he must go his way, if charlotte wants to protect her "baby", She must do it alone and not put others in, she is weak, does it bother you that most call her weak? Do you forget the times where she has been in danger? When she fainted because of her disciples? When she lost her powers ... If she doesn't need anyone because she looked for Jeffrey in the first place when she could go live far away without anyone's help and live like you say "without anyone's help because she's a woman strong self-confident "? Evan is a nuisance at this point, when can Charlotte live in peace without blaming herself for what her disciples do? It pleases me to see that Jeffrey does not always have to do what she wants, he has always helped her, besides, wasn't that what she told Yulian? "If I do something wrong and you care about me, you should stop me" also that matter concerns everyone not just Charlotte

Ok the translation of that site t *** has many errors ... Why did they change some sentences? In the Korean version Evpadra does not confirm that he is the cataclysm, she says that is ambiguous (now I believe that rumor that they have their team and do everything to make it look good) ok let's see betrayal? Sorry, but Jeffrey doesn't have to become a submissive character for charlotte (the Koreans themselves have said it) doing whatever she wants and fulfilling her whims just because he loves her and putting his empire in danger for her is not something that he should not do, his empire could have been in danger if he had brought Evan there, didn't you see how monsters attacked Marveil? Jeffrey must concentrate on his empire, also he did it in a softer way, carthiliom wanted to do it in a more cruel way, it really does not bother me that he does what he wants (They are nothing, she has never trusted him even though he in the past did everything for her) he must go his way, if charlotte wants to protect her "baby", She must do it alone and not put others in, she is weak, does it bother you that most call her weak? Do you forget the times where she has been in danger? When she fainted because of her disciples? When she lost her powers ... If she doesn't need anyone because she looked for Jeffrey in the first place when she could go live far away without anyone's help and live like you say "without anyone's help because she's a woman strong self-confident "? Evan is a nuisance at this point, when can Charlotte live in peace without blaming herself for what her disciples do? It pleases me to see that Jeffrey does not always have to do what she wants, he has always helped her, besides, wasn't that what she told Yulian? "If I do something wrong and you care about me, you should stop me" also that matter concerns everyone not just Charlotte

The translation is from the official translation (So now it's understandable) the truth i support eldo, she already lost a loved one because of calamity, plus in those chapters we can see that Charlotte loves ALL her disciples as her children, for her they are important including Evan, she does not see they as a lover and does not see the devil with love , for her it is something she must stop, que While with Jeffrey... I can only say that I'm glad it's not the typical character that has to do everything fl says , he has his own path, not all the time he has to follow the protagonist blindly

Guys I know some are upset with the translation, the translation of some chapters are from tapas and the translation there... It is worse even though there you pay, they have many errors, you can go to other sites to look for the translation even on wattpad and other sites are making the effort to translate it, if you know of any sites you can tell us

Oh it makes me funny as some criticize to Jeffrey but those people never say anything about the idiot disciples who are not of help to Charlotte, she always has to be helping them but they... They are useless in that sense, I like to see Jeffrey now worry about his empire, if charlotte took Evan to klaus, she would have put many people in danger just as she did in Marveil (the monsters that attacked the empire) Sorry, but charlotte's character is increasingly being ruined, there is no way to defend her, do not tell me with that she is a strong Fl who does not need anyone because we already saw in chapters back that everything goes wrong for her from running out of magic in moments of danger to not knowing what to do when her disciples are making disaster , what Charlotte is doing today... She has a whole annoying fandom both Koreans and Indonesias, Really now I want to see if the useless disciples are of help, Jeffrey should go, that's not his problem, if according to charlotte she can solve everything, then... Let her fulfill that without anyone's help , According to some she doesnt need Jeffrey, I'll be happy when he gets away from all of them and they have to sort out their own affairs.

The author uploaded a special chapter, there she explained that probably Black haze will return again when "charlotte has five disciples" ends, yong yong explained that she really likes fantasy, when she was drawing Black haze, she wanted to draw a romantic fantasy manhwa, yong yong said that everything will be revealed in the second season from the past of the academy to what Evan really wants , and officially said we'll have romance for the second season, And yes, yong yong said that the second season charlotte will have romance and love, so yes, the love charlotte seeks is love, plus she said the plot is of charlotte and her disciples, they are the main theme so calamity is just an antagonist, this is more charlotte and her disciples vs the enemy

The author uploaded a special chapter, there she explained that probably Black haze will return again when "charlotte has five disciples" ends, yong yong explained that she really likes fantasy, when she was drawing Black haze, she wanted to draw a romantic fantasy manhwa, yong yong said that everything will be revealed in the second season from the past of the academy to what Evan really wants , and officially said we'll have romance for the second season


Guys, the ml has NOT been revealed, this does NOT have a novel, the author has NOT said anything so stop inventing that you already know who the ml is, because for you, others stop reading the manhwa, Don't believe what they tell you or you're fed up with seeing a reliable source

Why does charlotte always put her life in danger? Why doesn't she think of her precious life? Why take risks for Tenzel who shows no regrets about anything? Jeffrey is angry that she puts her life always at risk, how many times has he seen charlotte get hurt or sacrifice herself? I'm so sorry but every time I see it impossible for charlotte to stay with that demon or her disciple, what she needs is someone to support her and be her support not a nanny or stay with the villain who hurts and hurts others, charlotte always talks about justice and punishing those who hurt, why do she should end up with the villain? That sounds ridiculous (that would contradict her character and ruin her) She is the only one who can stop that demon, now I understand why the fairy king cares about her and told her that he was happy that her life was tied to someone and that now she will appreciate her life, she in the past was at risk, actually maybe she values her life, No disciple or has been helped for her, They all cause her trouble and she seems to be the nanny of all

Thank you! , God tenzel is hateful! She says a lot of stupid things, calamity good? Hahahaha Charlotte is right, t if he loved humans, he wouldn't have killed so many innocents, But he killed a lot of innocents! He has hurt everyone and current raw he continues to hurt, so is he to blame for charlotte not having an eye? I really don't like calamity, he's done a lot of damage and I doubt charlotte has feelings for him knowing that she herself has made it clear that that kind of person deserves a punishment, What makes you think she has feelings for him? She has not shown interest in calamity, which means the author with "the two children"? Why doesn't Jeffrey want to have kids? Jeffrey loves charlotte very much that he knows that's not real, he even came out of his illusion for her, Jeffrey... Is Jeffrey's illusion a prediction?

No updates ToT, Season 1 is over and the manhwa is in hiatus... Jeffrey confessed his love in an attempt to get charlotte to see him again before leaving with Evan, but Evan didn't let charlotte answer him, I get very angry with Evan in the last chapter, he became the victim again! Jeffrey was left as a villain before charlotte's eyes for Evan (Evan wanted to get rid of Jeffrey, Evan made charlotte hate him!) ... Charlotte silly... We all hate charlotte in the last chapter...

Well there's someone who's translating some chapters, if you're interested, you can go support her account


Sorry but I have to say it .. Jeffrey is very handsome and hot! that character is too perfect, he has everything, he is the only one who has had a good development in the plot, I adore his face in that scene xD he killed me, What a rogue ~, poor Jeffrey gave him a virgin atack

Well, eldow's bow is too Long, We are currently still in the however very important information has been revealed as calamity is the main guilty for the loss of charlotte's eye, because of him, tenzel became evil and there is a chance of being killed, he ruined the lives of many tsk tsk i would hate if author give him a happy ending, It is obvious that I manipulate tenzel, the good thing about this bow has been Jeffrey's apparitions and his illusion where we saw that he was going to the same academy with charlotte and above all his desire to be with her although I do not understand why he does not want to have children... I guess that has to do with his past. Mmm that sounded like ml xD The scene of the almost kiss was so intense , I hope yong yong will keep giving us more scenes like this

Jeffrey and his charisma are the best of manhwa, I'm satisfied with this chapter, because Jeffrey said the same thing as charlotte (chapter 74), I couldn't help but get mad at charlotte for that, he just worries about her (I have not seen the disciples worry about her that way, if they really cared about her, they would stop making so many disasters and problems) but she always puts a wall between them, here most of us think that Jeffrey came to help her or rescue her however he only went for work, he told her "this is MY job too" therefore he only went because they have a job in common, no idea why charlotte put that expression, she pushes him away but does it hurt that he is like this with her? Who knows ... The moment was ruined with the scene where Jeffrey gets confused on the way (which was very funny, I admit it hahaha) but yes, you could notice the tension of that moment between them, I already realized that both they can hurt each other with words

Thank you translator~

Now we know from whom the disciples learned to put tracker objects on other people xD (chapter 1, charlotte mentions that those disciples had put a tracker object on her which cost her to take it off) ahhh I loved Jeffrey's design here, every time he appears, the fandom gets excited, in chapter 80 he left the fandom in collapse because of his fantasy with charlotte and because of how handsome he was xD haha he's so naughty ...

Thank you Translator! ❣

Well ... This arc is the longest of all (I guess it will have more than 15 chapters because it does not end yet haha for me better, I like eldow), oh charlotte why you are always like that with with Jeffrey? Something inside me tells me that someday you will stop being like that, your heart will open, I know, the only one that she has never smiled at in the manhwa, ahhh my heart (I cry for Jeffrey) ... You know, in these two chapters, the Koreans hated much to Jeffrey just for defending himself from eldow, according to them Jeffrey was very cruel, ruthless etc etc, I mean, you hate Jeffrey for defending himself and for having a personality that we've always known he has but you don't say anything when the disciples have done bad things like kidnapping, forbidden magic, declaring the war to another country and especially not helping each other when they are in danger (remember Evan did not help yulian when she is being used)? How strange the Koreans for the love of God! ... Oh eldow reminds me of an Evan 0.2 when he says "why don't you like me?" "charlotte hates me", they are similar, eldow in her form of man she looks like Evan when he had long hair

Guys this HAS NO NOVEL, it is an original manhwa, nobody about the ml because nothing is confirmed, the only thing that the author has said that the manhwa revolves about charlotte and her disciples, they are protagonists (all, not just a disciple), charlotte must solve the problems that they have caused and above all they stop to depending on her and let her live a life in peace, calamity seems more his enemy, if she now focuses on Evan it is because she always deals with the most problematic First