the only thing i like about the change from novel to this is that edith finally got an apology from that family

yah ofc! from what i remember reize (whatever her name is) didn’t rlly get caught for her wrongdoings after the initial knife scene so edith and ML went to the north to get away from all this family drama. while they were away everyone was hating reize more and more and the brother was getting tired of protecting her name at the house. reize hated that it wasn’t going the same way so she continued going on based on the novel and went to go find the emperors missing nephew. she ended up finding the wrong kid but disguised the kid anyways so she can get credit for it. the royal family found that it was a fake kid and got mad at reize they were gna send her to death but edith felt bad so she asked for a nicer sentence since she found the real nephew. THEN reize went to the monastery. the parents never apologized to edith for never believing in her or being caught in all their fam drama. cliff ended up getting married to another person that was good to him and was helping him mentally. edith n ml had 2 kids i think ?
i come back to reread this every time i remember the word masterpiece i love this one idk why it’s jus so YESSS LAWDDD yk