Lovely Usagi created a topic of Dear, 00
Lovely Usagi created a topic of Night Song

I enjoyed reading this chapter. A lot was Said (....) I can't believe jaeshin said it and nakwon's reply Omg it's so touching...

Lovely Usagi created a topic of Cozy Obsession

I read this it's in my reading list and I totally forgot what it was about... Can Someone enlighten me briefly please. I'm sure I read it and I remember the huimin but I can't remember the story and don't want to have re read it

Lovely Usagi created a topic of Ang Ang

I dropped this because of the miscommunication between them should pick it again .. ilhas it gotten better now !??

Lovely Usagi created a topic of Under the Green Light

I feel like I'm gonna have a heart attack. Mg God my heart is beating out of chest and the anxiety is gonna kill me. I need to read some fluff. Cause BOI he did not just reply unconsciously to Mathew think about his Boss. That gotta hurt man and I can't believe his trashy boss used to drag him and get him addicted so he can have his way with him. That fucking piece of shit.
Cause now matter how many times we saw the flash back I did not think he's boss slept with him I only thought he was feeding his addiction. But Oh BBOi was I NAIVE. Yes I was
(●'β—‘'●)οΎ‰ I feel bad for both baby Jin and baby Mathew

Lovely Usagi created a topic of Waterside Night

I'm actually loving this now. Tho I'm still not happy with what taeju did that was fucking evil but now this redemption arc I'm loving it and want it to be longer he needs to work on himself a bit more before I forgive him completely.. so I'm cheering for them

Lovely Usagi created a topic of The Beast Within

Can someone please spoil this for me... I don't wanna have to come back to read it. At this point I read it out of boredom and I really wanna stop reading it I just need to know what will happen to them the END what would it be like...

I'm dropping this..I can't read this shit anymore. No character development for inseob or that scum... All it's been now is rape and rape and rape even if inseob likes him it is still rape people. I don't see any developments. That scum does not know or will never realise he actually has feelings and his dirty talk piss me off no respect or whatsoever for inseob..... It's pissing me off

Lovely Usagi created a topic of Backlight

Why did he get a nosebleed!?? Someone enlighten me

Everyone is forgetting that he was treating her coldly so he can protect her from the fake saint that brought him to Korea. He had to pretend to not care for her so she doesn't get hurt... I hope our FL can realise that he was protecting her and finds out that he's originally not from her previous world and I'm rooting for the ML

So all he thinks about his wife is a beautiful face .. beautiful breasts..... God I hate him he doesn't deserve her at all. I can't wait for the begging Arc and I hope she makes it difficult for him