Satanichias_bully created a topic of 19 Days

I just find mo and he tians story a lil more intresting

This is so rare for a harem mainy to decide on one. But senpai was the one and only from the start so...

Satanichias_bully created a topic of Bed for Three

Will the tops have a thing too ? I want the real poly

Finally gimme the thing i came here for. Enough with skipping the stupid side couple chapters that nobody needs

Seme is ick big ick but i like the dark twist. But still seme is disgusting ughhhh

Crim gonna be a succu girl real soon

Satanichias_bully created a topic of Nocturnal Dogs

Ahh...the cover trap again...

Everyone just want one thing so proud that we all think with with the same braincell

Satanichias_bully followed a list
02 06,2022
Satanichias_bully like question

okay so im looking for angry sex. either before, during, or after an argument. rough sex is fine to.

Satanichias_bully like question

Yaoi with "fight for dominance" kind of relationship? In bed, I mean

Satanichias_bully created a topic of Imitation Mate

This had potential . i really liked it at the beginning and prepared for a lovey dovey end . but now i just have a sudden rage against the other alpha bitch wheres the warmth i feel colddd now

Hwan kept going even though chiwoo passed out what is wrong with this bitch

Satanichias_bully created a topic of Caste Heaven

I know the ending is lame and everything but i like the hugging from azusa i want it too

how can the students dare to call a teacher gorilla where is the respect. I would give all of them penal labor

Satanichias_bully created a topic of Noragami

I wonder how yukine will be normal this looks like a mess right now