Ok as I remember there were going to fight him (not rob right?) because he wanted to get his hand on humans’ finance? He was plotting with another aristocrats as far as I remember. But was there any other danger to human world? I just low key forgot what was the reason for fight
Ok I get the damage part because he’s demon and all lalala. But I wonder what was his plan in regard of human world? Since he’s is a piggy demon (they one who loathes money) he probably wanted to get richer? But no bloodlust and crazy massacres? Or what? I’m not defending him, just could be that I didn’t get it
I seriously cried my eyes out for these cuties! And now I know for sure: I like not only isekai, but isekai with MC suffering from bullying, mistreatment, and getting a happy end!! Yes, happy end is must have! So please if anyone knows a good one, share with me!!! Sending love to Arjen and Arien and benevolent readers!
The contract princess and monster duchess is really good!
Yes, totally agree, but recent translation kind of hard to read. I barely understand what’s happening