Does Chung let Hong get adopted? Or Hong let Chung get adopted in the name of Hong? Cuz in the end we saw the kid crying saying to himself ‘don't cry, Hong’ and the one crying was him as the kid getting adopted wasn't crying so he must be Hong, only 2 of em know their replacement but the orphanage and the parents doesn't know.. Maybe .... Help I'm.. CONFUSION
Ah! about that I was confused at first too,, But the step is actually simple than I thought1. Translate the page to eng2. you'll see 'Registered' word 3.Click on it4.Enter your gmail address5.They'll send verif... Yaoshino
Ah! about that I was confused at first too,, But the step is actually simple than I thought1. Translate the page to eng2. you'll see 'Registered' word 3.Click on it4.Enter your gmail address5.They'll send verif... Yaoshino
The group is literally going along with what was originally released...the original author released this epilogue statement before they released chill bro lmao
And yeah baby... Yeonwoo in the comic was blushing and thinking about how good it would feel to have that dick inside of him AND Naomi could see he was having dirty thoughts about Keith. That's y she was falling all over Yw and kissing him. Cuz she finds him cute
People say 'OH! No! SeungChan dOeSn't CaRe abOut coNSenT'. Bitch his dick was pulled out and sucked while he was on a work call WITHOUT PERMISSION. Why can't people see both ways.. That's also without consent.
it’s not like i don’t agree w u, it’s 50/50 for me. like sucking dick doesn’t hurt like putting a dick in without proper care. Besides seungchan likes it too.
The thing is people only talk like the bottom is being forced.. But they always dismiss the top getting harassed.. In real world too male getting sexually harassed by women and other twink.. Is always made fun of but not looked at.. We should see both ways..
The thing is people only talk like the bottom is being forced.. But they always dismiss the top getting harassed.. In real world too male getting sexually harassed by women and other twink.. Is always made f... Lee Minjae
I completely agree that consent goes both ways but i but I think people mainly have an issue with the fact that the top isn't slowing down and wants to jump to the sex without prepping the bottom, which is what the uke wanted so it wouldn't hurt when they did it.
Does Chung let Hong get adopted?
Hong let Chung get adopted in the name of Hong? Cuz in the end we saw the kid crying saying to himself ‘don't cry, Hong’ and the one crying was him as the kid getting adopted wasn't crying so he must be Hong, only 2 of em know their replacement but the orphanage and the parents doesn't know.. Maybe .... Help I'm.. CONFUSION
Lmao i need explanation too im SO CONFUSED