When y’all translate do y’all read the setances y’all make? I mean I understand the language your translating from or to might not be your first but how come you don’t read it to see if it makes sense? Just a question not attacking lol
Syntax is different in all countries. Syntax in English is especially odd so I can understand why the mistakes are there. When they read it over it made sense for them since they speak in a different order than English speakers. I think they did a well job despite not having a proofreader
I used to be like ew muscular people having sex !? Ew but now? Im ALL ABOUT DAT GAP MOE. this is one of the BEST Baras I’ve seen like omg yass he was so short I loved the fact that he was the top ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶
Why like really