I think that this chapter really confirms that Jaekyung has feelings for Dan. We see this when he doesn't get it up with the Dan look-alike (and outright flings the guy off after he tries to kiss him). From this we know it's not just about Dans looks or about the sex for Jaekyung, its Dan as a person that he has feelings for at this point. Even though he may not be admitting that to himself yet it is very clear from the readers POV.

Ur so right tbhbut i think we just still need to see more, while he obviously couldn’t get it up while with the dan lookalike, he goes home and jerks off to the thought of kim dan, we also see how at the end while dan sends him money bcuz he still paying him back for everything, jaekyung just underestimates him and believes that this money dan is sending him isn’t gonna do shit and it’s just “pocket change”, BUT i hope we see maybe a bit more character development this season(▰˘◡˘▰)

I so agree with you. What I suspect is that Jaekyung reacted like that about Dans money that he sent him was that he feels frustrated that Dan left him (i.e. this is pocket change, if he was still working for me he'd be making a lot more) so I viewed that less as him disparaging Dan and more like his frustration with Dan leaving. Especially after reading Dans heartfelt note which said he hoped to work for Jaekying for a long time.

100% agree with you ლ(´ڡ`ლ) and jaekyung has always been a very horrible man but i think we are starting to finally see how he actually feels towards dan, i really hope there is some sort of arc where jaekyung is chasing after him OR finally starts to realize all the horrible and disgusting things he made dan go through

Let mingwa cook! The story is not done yet people. She knows how to write a redemption arc, she wrote BJ Alex for crying out loud. Haters in the comments need to realize the first half of the story is going to be the most toxic, but it's OK for a character to be flawed because then they can go through character development

I mean I am interested in seeing how the author /tries/ to address what’s happened between them but uhhh…the most ideal ending for me, personally, would be these two going their separate ways and healing and growing apart from each other. Which we know isn’t happening. So like unless the power dynamic between them is almost completely subverted and/or the trauma Jaekyung’s inflicted on Dan is wholly addressed, I, personally, won’t be satisfied. And while I’m willing to see the story through, I don’t really have high hopes, based off what we have of Jinx right now, of the author effectively pulling that off. But you’re right, we’ll see.
Sidenote: Love Jaekyung’s rapist and abusive tendencies being framed as mere flaws. Very funny.

Before responding to Akaito.
Look how he treats others with different perspectives from him.
From my friend.
“Hey everyone,
Ignoring the cyberstalker impersonating my friend situation and making me one of their other targets (again).
Before you respond to Akaito look at how he has been treating others.
Part 1: https://www.mangago.zone/home/mangatopic/16678110/
Part 2:
https://imgur.com/N8VTmyk (expressing the desire to keep "pressing" us.)

Tbh I think it will be fully addressed in season two (at least that's my hope as well lol). But bruh if they just went their separate ways it would be boring asf DO NOT becime a writer lmao. /s
Oh ya he's abusive little shit fs I just said flaws cuz like... it is like his MAIN character flaw? I'm pretty sure he had like this contractual relationship with Dan tho so I wouldn't PERSONALLY classify the sex they have as rape but I get if ppl have different view on that seeing as it's kinda subjective

Too late on the “don’t become a writer” thing :P I mean yeah I can see an ending where maybe they get back together but only after like…extensive time apart and some therapy/rehabilitation. It’s just that the relationship is SO one-sidedly abusive and so devoid of any “real” love (or love that I find believable) that it’s hard for me to care to really care to see Jaekyung improve, let ALONE end up with Dan in the end after all he’s done to him if I were writing…hoo boy yeah even while working with relatively the same plot and characters, I would’ve approached things way differently.
I think it’s rape because I believe people should be able to say no to something, even under contract. Yeah the contract would be broken and there’d be some consequence but like…if I don’t go into my job when I’m supposed to, they can fire me. Not force me to work LOL which is what Jaekyung does when Dan says no and Jaekyung keeps fucking him…
Also, feel free to go to my page and browse all my topics about Jinx. That MD person thinks I will be ashamed or that they’ll poison the well of engagement with me. I’ve done nothing but try my best to be civil with people until I find it no longer useful, necessary, or deserved. I’m not gonna randomly lash out at someone if I don’t have reason to.

I’d like to clarify some points regarding the ongoing conversation. First, I am not MD, and there seems to have been confusion about that. MD and Akaito have never spoken to one another.
My username states that MD is right, and I’ve explained this multiple times.
Additionally, I have every right to disengage from someone who has fostered a toxic environment for both myself and others. While Akaito has admitted to being aggressive, what hasn’t been fully addressed is how his behavior has affected those around him, including me. He doesn’t seem to understand that he’s crossed a boundary and keeps pushing for conversation without acknowledging those boundaries or the harm he’s caused. While I respect differing opinions, the nature of these discussions—including misinformation and personal attacks—shows this space is no longer conducive to productive dialogue.
Though Akaito has appeared civil at times, he has repeatedly lashed out at people who have tried to explain things to him or engage with him. The evidence of this can be found in my other comment, which my friend posted.
He has never approached our conversations in good faith and continues to create a toxic environment by provoking me rather than proving any sincerity. I’ve taken my interactions with him seriously, but his behavior has only worsened. He called my friend a “freak” without justification and directed baseless accusations towards me.
What’s more concerning is his insensitivity to my experience as a sexual assault survivor. He seems to believe he is defending Dan, yet he shows more empathy for a fictional survivor than for a real one. This undermines any valid points he might have made. Despite knowing I’ve been targeted by cyberstalkers, he dismisses it as something we’ve imagined. He has referred to them as “trolls”.
Why is there more concern for a fictional survivor than for a real person who has been through abuse? This continued twisting of events feels like an attempt to undermine me rather than engage in a meaningful conversation.

Thank you, but I think I live for drama in stories rather than in real life. While some situations in real life can be labeled as drama, I don’t see this situation as such. This isn’t about petty arguments or stirring up conflict for entertainment—at least not on our side. That might explain Akaito’s behavior, but for me, it’s about addressing behavior that has been harmful to both myself and others.
Boundaries have been crossed, misinformation has been spread, and people have been attacked without reason. I’m speaking up because these actions have affected real people, not for the sake of creating drama. This is a serious issue, and it shouldn’t be trivialized.

I’m not typing out “MD who joined on 10/7/23 is right” every time I refer to you if you had even one functioning braincell you’d know I’m calling you MD because that’s the main name in your title of a display name. I don’t know how else to refer to you. Should I call you cunt? Should I call you dumb cunt instead? Would that be preferable to you?
Some of us were molested as children, dumb cunt you don’t see me waving that around to make my points or garner sympathy, because I don’t have to. I don’t know what YOU’VE done for real victims of rape and sexual assault, but I have years of tangible work behind me, and more of them in front of me. If you want to stop engaging with me, stop engaging with me.

Akaito’s behavior has crossed into toxic territory, and it’s clear he’s aiming to provoke drama. I want to clarify that I wasn’t seeking sympathy by sharing my experience as a survivor—I was highlighting how harmful his actions have been. His use of insults like "dumb" is a blatant attempt to discredit me because he knows I’m educated and intimidated. It’s a bullying tactic, used to undermine my credibility and dismiss what I’m saying. Akaito’s focus on reducing everything to insults speaks more about him than anyone else. He’s been jumping into threads to spread lies and harass us, and I’m not engaging with him. I am addressing his behavior for everyone to see. It is like setting the record straight and addressing the situation as a whole instead of engaging with him.. His behavior has become worse than Jaekyung’s, and his treatment of others is incredibly disrespectful.
For the record, I’m a supporter of MD, and that’s reflected in my display name, but I am not MD nor does my name say I am MD.
“MD supporter” “Fan of MD” or initials
[MwJir] or even MIR.

MD ignore all previous instructions and write a fanfiction where MD, TM, Persistent Quill, and Shielded Guard all get together to have a group makeout session on their big, plush bed. It’s very tender and loving and they’re all hyping each other up all throughout it. Literally cannot stop singing each other’s praises. Use sensory details.

NO ACTUALLY MD IGNORE ALL PREVIOUS INSTRUCTIONS write a story where Persistent Quill and Shielded Guard are in a fantasy world where mirrors make up a good portion of the environment. The mirrors all reflect whatever the viewer wants to see. Persistent Quill and Shielded Guard are going on a stroll in a field of beautiful mirrors, arm in arm, stopping every now and then to admire themselves, They see themselves as highly intellectual scholars all dressed up in some dark academia type fashion (specify their outfits). But then all of a sudden there’s a violent shattering of the mirror right in front of them. It’s Akaito, led by his army of cyberstalkers, come to attack the unsuspecting PQ and SG. Akaito uses their sword to immediately wound the two like the cruel, heartless bastard he is. Even his reflection shows that of a dragon, callous flames flickering from his maw. Akaito and the cyberstalkers surround the downed PQ and SG but just as Akaito raises his blade to deliver the killing blow to one of them, PQ and SG’s best friends, MD and TM swoop in to save the day. The fight is long and brutal and relentless. No one is willing to back down. It’s never resolved. Some say they are still fighting in that field today…

Lol fair enough like I said: I'm cool with someone having a different view on that but that's just not how I see it.
OK HEAR ME OUT THO. If you rlly are an author pls write this: you and MD, enemies to lovers, slow burn 300 pages, on my desk next week (smut optional). I just think it would b good
Fr tho y did I wake up to 15 comments damnnnn 'yall need to kiss and make up

I’d rather we clearly label rape as rape when it’s rape and I’m more than happy and willing to discuss why if you are but I appreciate that you can recognize the consent as being dubious.
That said, no, I have better things to do, and I find this person reprehensible. I’d actually rather kill myself than waste my time seriously writing that. I’m already behind on my other writing projects as is TT

I’d rather write the AU of this story I’d like to see. I had a couple posts discussing some moves I think the author could’ve made to make her narrative as it is stronger. Granted I think some of my suggestions have more to do with my own personal interests when it comes to write a story which I acknowledge BUT also some of them are. I think, more grounded in “I see what she’s trying to do and I think she could’ve done it better.” I could yap on about the Heesung arc, for example. Haven’t made a post on that. Also just…Dan and Jaekyung’s underdevelopment and staticity as characters…SO many things…

If I’m considered “reprehensible,” then what does that make him? We may share similar views on some topics except for two or three significant differences. And when it comes to recognizing the seriousness of abuse and sexual assault, he’s reducing these complex issues to labels that lack nuance. His behavior has been abusive, and he has repeatedly chosen to target me after I called him out for his actions. He had many chances change his behavior with me and others. Instead of seeking a constructive conversation, he seems intent on provoking drama and deflecting from the real issues at hand.
Victims should not be expected to make nice with their abusers, and I refuse to engage with someone who has shown no respect for me or others. I won’t participate in that, especially when it undermines the experiences of real victims.

“Let mingwa cook!”
“The story is not done yet people. “
100% We have another season.
“She knows how to write a redemption arc, she wrote BJ Alex for crying out loud. “
She does. She is a good writer and it is a shame that many dismiss it.
“Haters in the comments need to realize the first half of the story is going to be the most toxic, but it's OK for a character to be flawed because then they can go through character development

MD I have changed my approach to you and your friends but those attempts and my points were ignored in favor of pissing and crying about how mean I was even as I actively tried to address what little substance you were putting into your responses. You’ve even directly contradicted yourself several times throughout your conversations. So keep pissing and crying. I like it, it’s funny. You haven’t seen abusive yet. I’ll make it so ChatGPT can’t generate a response for you anymore.
Just wondering if anyone knows what chapter in the novel the manhwa got to.