God's sake... This is really toxic... Dan u also need to be straight foward and told Jae he's a fucking asshole. Can't handle this... Gonna drop this shiT
It feels so rushed up... How? When? They got so much potencial... Plane ending.... Meh
The sensei has no chance, otherwise he Will be a pedoph.... NO WAY
He need time to heal and cure his heart, that sucker is just getting in the way. Leave him alone an regret about ur shittt, mf.
Why???????????? (︶︿︶)=凸 (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸 ヽ(`Д´)ノ
We don't need more problems in this family, we got enough with mom trying to destroy the house. Stoppppppppp we need peaceeee pls
i neeed them to fuck or even a lil kiss :c
Jsjdkskdjaksia pls end the assumptions and kiss already
Jajajajajajajjajajajajjajajajajajajajajjajajajajajajajajajajjajajajajaja love the Big bara titties uke
God's sake... This is really toxic... Dan u also need to be straight foward and told Jae he's a fucking asshole. Can't handle this... Gonna drop this shiT