I don't like this because y'all are making the seme look pathetic by making him clingy and y'all are also not letting the seme move on like by trying to make him wait for the uke to like him like no don't do that cuz it's just sad at this point
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Every Friday
I like how they got the happy ending they wanted
Why did i read this im crying now so imma need a moment to myself
why did i think a story with zombies would have a gud ending ;-;
I knew i wouldn't have a good ending but still read it
At the end of the comic i was a train wreck just crying for minutes, i also loved it very much
I don't like this because y'all are making the seme look pathetic by making him clingy and y'all are also not letting the seme move on like by trying to make him wait for the uke to like him like no don't do that cuz it's just sad at this point