RyuRyu July 28, 2024 7:07 pm

I'm done with this ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

RyuRyu June 3, 2024 4:26 am

After reading more than ten times, I just understood that the song from episode 69 is from NSYNC! "It's Gonna Be Me"

RyuRyu May 14, 2024 7:15 pm

The art style is weird

RyuRyu May 14, 2024 3:36 pm

Ian x Lisa

RyuRyu April 29, 2024 2:46 pm


RyuRyu April 6, 2024 1:49 pm

Can someone tell me if this is pedophile?
Σ(っ°Д °;)っ

    LuluKillua April 11, 2024 6:19 pm

    it is

    Kana Soba May 2, 2024 10:23 am

    Most definitely groomed him

    gwoodgirl May 7, 2024 8:56 am

    It's not. There's nothing romantic happening rn except him having a crush. Not much different from say having a crush on your older siblings bff & growing up to one day marry them. Nothing happening while under age, not everything is grooming

    Reneec May 15, 2024 12:32 pm
    It's not. There's nothing romantic happening rn except him having a crush. Not much different from say having a crush on your older siblings bff & growing up to one day marry them. Nothing happening while u... gwoodgirl

    I mean yes and no it says she in her early twenties and he’s 15 but later says they’re 16 years apart making her 31 and it’s quite obvious that he’s in love with her but she’s entertaining it Teasing him and not shutting it down Even though a child’s crush is harmless it is not harmless for an adult to feed into that crush It’s borderline grooming And emotional manipulation especially bc they’re already married and going to divorce and saying nothing happened while underage is a Predator statement It’s like the men who groom, young girls and wait for them to turn 18 so the world sees them as women and now they have a pass

    LuluKillua May 15, 2024 2:19 pm
    I mean yes and no it says she in her early twenties and he’s 15 but later says they’re 16 years apart making her 31 and it’s quite obvious that he’s in love with her but she’s entertaining it Teasing ... Reneec


    gwoodgirl May 15, 2024 2:50 pm
    I mean yes and no it says she in her early twenties and he’s 15 but later says they’re 16 years apart making her 31 and it’s quite obvious that he’s in love with her but she’s entertaining it Teasing ... Reneec

    They are only 6 years apart, she's definitely not 30.

    Reneec May 15, 2024 4:21 pm
    They are only 6 years apart, she's definitely not 30. gwoodgirl

    Girl you sound like a grooming apologist/protector whether it’s six years or 16 it’s still predatory and the book itself says 16 but in the beginning, it says she’s in her early 20s. I said we don’t know her exact age. She’s either 21 or she’s 31 which still is a predatory age to pick up a 15-year-old like come on you nitpick one part of my response doesn’t invalidate the facts 21 and 15 is gross 31 and 15 is disgusting it’s even more disgraceful that she acknowledges the fact that it could be pedophilic or predatory to get in a relationship with a child, especially because she’s using financial and emotional manipulation against the child she knowingly uses his caretakers health against him. She knowingly uses his financial state against him. She knowingly uses his title against him, and then she’s bombing him, giving him access to all these things, and she sees it and acknowledges that the little boy has a crush on her or is liking her and he’s making it quite obvious and she’s doing nothing to stop this little boys crush, he’s a child. She’s an adult. She has the responsibility.

    Reneec May 15, 2024 4:32 pm
    Girl you sound like a grooming apologist/protector whether it’s six years or 16 it’s still predatory and the book itself says 16 but in the beginning, it says she’s in her early 20s. I said we don’t kno... Reneec

    Age gap between a child and adult is a hell of a hill to die on and no matter how large or small the gap is one party is a child and the other is a adult 6 years doesn’t make it better 21-year-old should not be engaging with teenagers. Point blank. I’m not about to fight with you. I’m not arguing with you. These are the laws that we’ve come up with because scientifically and morally/ethically We know it’s wrong. Statutory rap3 and grooming are wrong/illegal/immoral/disgusting this situation is a clear indicator of rap3 culture being perpetuated/ protected you should reflect bc it’s disrespectful and disgraceful to argue for it I don’t know what it is the way you’ve been educated and internalized misogyny but it doesn’t matter whether it’s for the sake of romance or real life it’s disgusting and you know in the beginning I kind of understood you because no she’s not in a relationship with little boy but she’s not shutting it down and that’s why I’m shutting you down because I’m not an apologist or protector I’m never on the side of the rap!st I will never feed into that culture and I wanna make it clear that you shouldn’t either

    Reneec May 15, 2024 4:37 pm
    exactly. LuluKillua

    Yeah grooming and solicitation of a minor Going on here, large undertones of pedophilia aspects are clearly showcased as well as Lots of predatory behavior If it’s not pedophilic, it’s borderline and that is close enough for me to say it’s weird
    (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

    Get Ya September 20, 2024 12:48 pm
    Girl you sound like a grooming apologist/protector whether it’s six years or 16 it’s still predatory and the book itself says 16 but in the beginning, it says she’s in her early 20s. I said we don’t kno... Reneec

    So by your own words if a little kid likes you. You're now the groomer right?

    Reneec September 20, 2024 1:17 pm
    So by your own words if a little kid likes you. You're now the groomer right? Get Ya

    Like I clearly wrote out and stated what was wrong about their relationship and why her actions make it pedophilic and what exactly she’s doing to be a groomer I don’t get why I have to explain it to you again other that the fact that you lack reading comprehension

    Reneec September 20, 2024 1:33 pm
    So by your own words if a little kid likes you. You're now the groomer right? Get Ya

    What are you even saying the lack of reading comprehension is really getting to you bc you’re loud and wrong I literally never said that I said that a child’s crush is harmless but it’s not harmless to feed into it and not shut it down then I further list why their relationship is wrong and I stated that he’s a boy a child and she’s a full grown adult woman the responsibility lays with her to set boundaries, define their relationship and create a healthy one its the adult job to address the situation and know right from wrong and as a adult it’s her obligation to control and correct him as a adult you don’t take advantage of children in any circumstances you shut them down and educate them on why it’s not okay she’s encouraging and entertaining a child by leading him on and not setting him straight it’s wrong it’s the adults moral ethical and legal responsibility and obligation to not groom children or give any notion of romantic involvement with a child

    Like womp womp I’m not ever going to justify or defend pedophilia she’s in the wrong she has the responsibility and obligation as the adult and he’s a child that’s the facts and I’m not going to let you twist my words bc you didn’t properly read them your moral compass is shot and your reading comprehension is nonexistent

    Get Ya September 20, 2024 2:17 pm
    What are you even saying the lack of reading comprehension is really getting to you bc you’re loud and wrong I literally never said that I said that a child’s crush is harmless but it’s not harmless to fe... Reneec

    Womp womp. It's your own words. The person doesn't like the child doesn't know about it yet you scream pedo. Mirror much? You might be the pedo lol

    Get Ya September 20, 2024 2:22 pm
    What are you even saying the lack of reading comprehension is really getting to you bc you’re loud and wrong I literally never said that I said that a child’s crush is harmless but it’s not harmless to fe... Reneec

    Not her problem someone likes her. If the person won't change her words won't mean a thing. Stop victim blaming lol.

    Get Ya September 20, 2024 2:44 pm

    Teleiophilia not Pedophilia.

    Fujoshi for Fluff only September 20, 2024 3:16 pm
    I mean yes and no it says she in her early twenties and he’s 15 but later says they’re 16 years apart making her 31 and it’s quite obvious that he’s in love with her but she’s entertaining it Teasing ... Reneec

    Oh god predator?? She doesn't like him back. Please go read what an actual predator is.

    Reneec September 20, 2024 4:05 pm
    Womp womp. It's your own words. The person doesn't like the child doesn't know about it yet you scream pedo. Mirror much? You might be the pedo lol Get Ya

    Omg you literally can see what I said in the thread you twisted to fit your narrative it truly shows that you simply don’t know how to read and have negative brain cells bc where did I say that word for word bar for bar copy and paste I said “ he’s in love with her but she’s entertaining it Teasing him and not shutting it down Even though a child’s crush is harmless it is not harmless for an adult to feed into that crush It’s borderline grooming And emotional manipulation ” and multiple times I said it could be, it’s giving or is borderline pedophilic

    like I need you to be so f real right now because the logic isn’t here and the projection is pathetic

    Grooming is a tactic where someone methodically builds a trusting relationship with a child or young adult, their family, and community to manipulate, coerce, or force the child Into illegal acts threatens him with his title and his only family member/servant /Caretaker Using his life/Health as leverage Financially manipulates him by enticing him a child with money
    This is what I said about it and I quote “ financial and emotional manipulation against the child she knowingly uses his caretakers health against him. She knowingly uses his financial state against him. She knowingly uses his title against him, and then she’s bombing him, giving him access to all these things, and she sees it and acknowledges that the little boy has a crush on her or is liking her and he’s making it quite obvious and she’s doing nothing to stop this little boys crush, he’s a child. She’s an adult. She has the responsibility.”

    SHE IS NOT A VICTIM not not of slander, not Of defamation because these are facts of what she did she did all of this by her own admission and volition

    Reneec September 20, 2024 4:15 pm
    Oh god predator?? She doesn't like him back. Please go read what an actual predator is. Fujoshi for Fluff only

    Girl bye I said it’s Predatory behavior/ predatory and by definition predatory is seeking to exploit or oppress others. Predatory behavior refers to actions and conduct characterized by the exploitation, manipulation, or harm of others for personal gain, satisfaction, or gratification.
    She’s exploiting him not only financially but emotionally and using a loved one’s health for leverage for her own benefit she’s literally forcing and using a child to commit marriage fraud and exploiting his feelings for personal gain

    Again yall don’t have reading comprehension and are foaming at the mouth like the cretin yall are

    Reneec September 20, 2024 4:25 pm

    Simply put don’t exploit children don’t manipulate children

    If a child likes you as adults you have to put an end to it not use that as a tool for personal gain you shut it down you don’t feed into it you educate them on why that is inappropriate and there is no romantic relationship and that anything of that nature is wrong
    if a child in the care of an adult it is there responsibility and obligation

    Get Ya September 20, 2024 5:45 pm
    Simply put don’t exploit children don’t manipulate children If a child likes you as adults you have to put an end to it not use that as a tool for personal gain you shut it down you don’t feed into it you... Reneec

    Chill you're making yourself look more like the idiot in this situation. You're victim blaming right now. And calling someone brainless when you yourself do not understand what teleiophilia means. Please educate yourself, a single google might do you a favor.

    Get Ya September 20, 2024 5:49 pm
    Chill you're making yourself look more like the idiot in this situation. You're victim blaming right now. And calling someone brainless when you yourself do not understand what teleiophilia means. Please educat... Get Ya

    You can call it manipulation but I see it as a win win. He gets to make his "loved one" get medication while she gets to stop the harassment she's been experiencing. Girly over here overreacting when FL just wanted the harassment to stop so she searched up for eligible people to get married to. She even will divorce this child that you so call manipulate and give compensation when time is right. You might need medical attention with that overthinking and overanalyzing simple things.

    Get Ya September 20, 2024 5:54 pm
    Girl bye I said it’s Predatory behavior/ predatory and by definition predatory is seeking to exploit or oppress others. Predatory behavior refers to actions and conduct characterized by the exploitation, mani... Reneec

    You call it predatory or manipulation but I see it as a win win. He gets access to his so called "loved one" medical attention. While FL gets to stop the harassments she's subjected to. Girly over here overanalyzing simple things. She will divorce the child when the time is right. Even will compensate for this so called manipulated child. Girl chill and read it again. She was subjected to harassment almost getting herself raped and what you're thinking over here is just victim blaming.

    Get Ya September 20, 2024 5:57 pm
    Chill you're making yourself look more like the idiot in this situation. You're victim blaming right now. And calling someone brainless when you yourself do not understand what teleiophilia means. Please educat... Get Ya

    FL literally just has to get married for some time to stop the harassments she's subjected to. You overanalyzed simple things and not all things are freebies. This so called manipulation you scream so much about is just a win win situation. He gets to treat his butler while she gets to stop the harassments. It's as if you lived in a rock. Go read a book. Womp womp

    Get Ya September 20, 2024 6:02 pm
    Girl bye I said it’s Predatory behavior/ predatory and by definition predatory is seeking to exploit or oppress others. Predatory behavior refers to actions and conduct characterized by the exploitation, mani... Reneec

    Idk but you seem to be illiterate yourself. Did you happen to only focus on the man liking an older woman so she's now a pedo and a predator manipulator? Have you perhaps not read the plot on why she had to marry this child?

    Have you perhaps not know what a contract means? She literally will divorce this child after she is no longer subjected to harassment which involves rape, threats etc. Yet your so called care is this one particular thing. Nothing comes free in this world. If she only needed a husband in name, then that's what she asked. She never asked for that child to like her. So womp womp

    Get Ya September 20, 2024 6:04 pm
    Simply put don’t exploit children don’t manipulate children If a child likes you as adults you have to put an end to it not use that as a tool for personal gain you shut it down you don’t feed into it you... Reneec

    Idk but you seem to be illiterate yourself. Did you happen to only focus on the man liking an older woman so she's now a pedo and a predator manipulator? Have you perhaps not read the plot on why she had to marry this child?

    Have you perhaps not know what a contract means? She literally will divorce this child after she is no longer subjected to harassment which involves rape, threats etc. Yet your so called care is this one particular thing. Nothing comes free in this world. If she only needed a husband in name, then that's what she asked. She never asked for that child to like her. So womp womp

    Fujoshi for Fluff only September 20, 2024 6:18 pm
    Girl bye I said it’s Predatory behavior/ predatory and by definition predatory is seeking to exploit or oppress others. Predatory behavior refers to actions and conduct characterized by the exploitation, mani... Reneec

    Don't know about reading but I see who actually lacks literally comprehension.

    Reneec September 21, 2024 3:15 am
    Chill you're making yourself look more like the idiot in this situation. You're victim blaming right now. And calling someone brainless when you yourself do not understand what teleiophilia means. Please educat... Get Ya

    It crazy because you have made not one valid point and she isn’t a victim in any sense she brought this on herself creating the whole situation and doing nothing as the adult and initiator to control or stop it only take advantage of the child and just because a word exists doesn’t mean it’s completely right or valid it’s a derogatory term for a childs crush and it’s absolutely normal for a child to confuse attraction with admiration and for them to have affection for adults in fact it’s literally part of child development but they are developing not developed the adult has the responsibility I completely understand that it’s a Greek word not recognized in psychology and barely mentioned in the study of human sexuality bc it’s a misleading term we have plenty of examples of terms being misused and outdated and changed especially words that have been translated and misinterpreted like you fighting for child exploitation isn’t a good look and is literally pathetic I said don’t be predatory towards children don’t use an exploit children Don’t do things that can be considered borderline pedophile with children And here you come trying to argue well he likes her like truly you’re absolutely wrong morally ethically scientifically and legally

    Reneec September 21, 2024 3:21 am
    You can call it manipulation but I see it as a win win. He gets to make his "loved one" get medication while she gets to stop the harassment she's been experiencing. Girly over here overreacting when FL just wa... Get Ya

    She solicited a child for marriage fraud like she didn’t have other options she just picked the most malleable and most vulnerable person to manipulate for her own benefit he didn’t want anything to do his plan she forced him by using his class financial situation and a loved ones life and then continued to use emotional manipulation to keep him in line

    Reneec September 21, 2024 3:24 am
    FL literally just has to get married for some time to stop the harassments she's subjected to. You overanalyzed simple things and not all things are freebies. This so called manipulation you scream so much abou... Get Ya

    Like she had to choose a child and then forced said child it’s not a symbiotic relationship it’s a parasitic relationship she had options but chose the child because she can manipulate his vulnerabilities and she herself admitted that it was wrong and could be seen a pedophilic

    Reneec September 21, 2024 3:29 am
    Don't know about reading but I see who actually lacks literally comprehension. Fujoshi for Fluff only

    No you see reading comprehension are the understanding of the text and you obviously didn’t properly read cause I clearly stated that it was predatory and predatory behavior and that the statement of that nothing happened while under age was the statement of a predator but I digress you obviously take what you want and twist it to your narrative

    Reneec September 21, 2024 4:21 am
    Idk but you seem to be illiterate yourself. Did you happen to only focus on the man liking an older woman so she's now a pedo and a predator manipulator? Have you perhaps not read the plot on why she had to mar... Get Ya

    Crazy again trying to force my words to fit ur narrative I literally from the beginning said it wasn’t hard to put their relationship in a box that it was borderline pedophilic and could be seen a grooming especially bc it’s her who seeks out the child and child can’t consent to contracts they aren’t legally binding bc it a child without a parent consent

    Fujoshi for Fluff only September 21, 2024 6:11 am
    No you see reading comprehension are the understanding of the text and you obviously didn’t properly read cause I clearly stated that it was predatory and predatory behavior and that the statement of that not... Reneec

    You don't understand anything anybody is saying either. You keep writing passages on predatory behaviour. Why don't you do that in actual seminar. And I will believe you if you're from psychology field. You're not even arguing on actual real-life people. These are freaking written characters enclosed in few pixels. Why are you so he'll be t upon proving you gonna decide which is holy writing and which is unworthy. Let other people read or enjoy without being shamed.

    Fujoshi for Fluff only September 21, 2024 6:12 am
    No you see reading comprehension are the understanding of the text and you obviously didn’t properly read cause I clearly stated that it was predatory and predatory behavior and that the statement of that not... Reneec

    I bet you haven't even read it completely.

    Reneec September 21, 2024 8:30 am
    You don't understand anything anybody is saying either. You keep writing passages on predatory behaviour. Why don't you do that in actual seminar. And I will believe you if you're from psychology field. You're ... Fujoshi for Fluff only

    1st I am in the psychology field I work in LA county in Pasadena school district with underprivileged kids and am on my way to being a social worker 2nd you don’t have to be in the field to recognize that this is wrong 3 I did see your argument it’s just not valid to the situation of exploiting a child and yall nitpicking and arguing with me 4th it doesn’t matter what the controversy is these are real life, things and situations that happen and are very serious in reality These are just being used as a plot device, but that doesn’t make them any less real or harmful like I said, I won’t be perpetuating or protecting any predatory behavior, rape culture or internalized misogyny I never said you can’t read this or shamed anyone I replied to the original commenter and it seems you guys only think grooming is a sexual matter people groom children to commit other crimes Grooming is the indoctrination and brainwashing of children into crimes for one’s own benefit That’s why we have children who are in gangs we have children who are thieves we have children who become soldiers because they were groomed

    Y’all are taking it too personally and projecting I never attacked you or shamed you for reading this yall came into a conversation that was already over to insert yourself your feelings and opinions a question was asked I answered bc it’s obvious it’s a morally gray bc it has undertones of pedophilia, predatory behavior and grooming

    it’s crazy bc this literature argument you’re coming up with has literally happened before with the World renowned book Lolita and we all know how that went

    Reneec September 21, 2024 8:36 am
    I bet you haven't even read it completely. Fujoshi for Fluff only

    What point are you trying to make here like it doesn’t matter if I read it all or not I can register what is happening in the book a 21 year old woman should not have relations of any kind with a 15 year old boy and a adult should not exploit a child we all know that it’s not appropriate and that socially Scientifically morally ethically physically and legally it’s unacceptable I don’t get what’s not clicking for yall

    Reader September 21, 2024 12:16 pm
    What point are you trying to make here like it doesn’t matter if I read it all or not I can register what is happening in the book a 21 year old woman should not have relations of any kind with a 15 year old ... Reneec

    Excuse me? I think the story is dated back then when this kind of thing is actually legal. I feel like we shouldn't put today's insight. I do feel bad that she has to ask for a temporary husband and the strongest candidate is a 15 year old. Please do know that if you do not wish to read this thing you may drop them if it goes past your morals.

    If you are truly a student of psychology. Then perhaps you should also be open minded about possible ways. The story seems to be leaning in a contract between A and B. Party B will be a temporary husband in name only and does not need to engage on any sort of activities with party A that will jeopardize their relationship.

    Please do know not all people in a contract relationship think that they are a victim because it benefits them. As an empath myself, it seems valid that you strongly believe she's grooming because you have never read the story.

    She never visited him which caused the boy to miss her. If you truly study psychology you must never point fingers and first study because let's say for example. You were accused of grooming because you had been seen playing with children in a park. People have different perspective of this situation.

    Please do know that you might be one of society's problems with your lack of context and mainly making up scenarios. Of what ifs and baseless accusations. It's easier to say someone is a suspect, right? Let's say for another example I call you a pedophile because you are now teacher children just so you can touch them. Please do know not to make up stories in the future and if the story is not for you. Drop it.

    For future readers please do not be discouraged as the age gap may be the problem. A teenage boy having feelings for older people does exist in real life and many adults had been subject to becoming victims of teenagers lying their age because they find older people attractive. This story is a good read and it may sound like the boy is grooming the older lady to like him (not the other way around).

    Reneec September 21, 2024 10:38 pm
    Excuse me? I think the story is dated back then when this kind of thing is actually legal. I feel like we shouldn't put today's insight. I do feel bad that she has to ask for a temporary husband and the stronge... Reader

    Crazy how this account was created last night with only this book on the profile doesn’t give burner account at all not sus at all

    lol it’s laughable that the argument is that child brides are cool because of and unknown time period like it’s okay for you to impose time frame and societal constraints for the fictional story but not for me like the irony and hypocrisy of that statement is lost on you and if you feel bad for anyone in the situation it should be the child She literally combed through men And chose a child She could’ve found somebody and bought them a title with all her money she could’ve found somebody of lower status just like the boy who is of age She even could’ve made somebody up but she chose a child and manipulated that child funny how you came into a conversation that was about asking if this was pedophilia and I said it’s borderline And that got you guys all riled up foaming at the mouth because you want to defend it and justify grooming

    I work in children’s development And mental health With Nami The national Association for mental illness and have been involved in hosa for years I work with children i will not or ever leave the door open for any romantic involvement with a child one sided or not as the adult I set the boundaries and remove myself if needed I don’t put fuel to a well lit fire I maintain appropriate and professional relationship with any child

    I never once generalized contract marriages I said the marriage between a 21 year-old and a 15-year-old is wrong And this is not a contract he a 15-year-old child without a legal guardian was strong, armed, and forced to become a child bride by contract. This is not a symbiotic relationship. It is parasitic the legality isn’t there. He was blackmailed with his loved ones health that’s a fact she used title in class and wealth to the corner the child so he would sign this contract. He unwillingly became a child bride. so not only after she forces him to sign the contract using everything that he holds, dear and exploiting every single vulnerability in his life, then she loves bombs this child who only has one person in his life who cares about him and expect some affection to not grow this isn’t a normal contract relationship. This isn’t an arranged marriage. This was the emotional physical and financial manipulation and exploitation of a child for the adults benefit, and the child can gain some benefits, does not negate the fact that the adult is in the wrong and I obviously read the story enough to have the conversation and to know what is going on because how do I know that she used his title? How do I know she used the caretaker? How do I know she was exploding the child how do I know that the child had a feeling for her, she recognize had feelings Had a whole soliloquy about it But still did nothing to correct or intervene not to mention She sought out a child She solicited this child into marriage fraud exploiting his vulnerabilities, forcing him to be a child bride

    And none of your points are truly relevant or address what she has done wrong She only stops visiting him because she’s busy And because she’s like oh his feelings are getting a little too strong She doesn’t visit him because she’s acknowledging the fact that she’s using this child’s emotions and manipulating him and not shutting him down so she chooses after love bombing him to ignore him without having a proper conversation not even hey, this is an appropriate. We are only in a contract relationship. She doesn’t do any of that. She withhold affection and access which is an abuse and grooming tactic And as a full grown adult, I am never going to just be playing in a park with children I don’t know or soliciting children to do things for me because guess what that is creepy predatory behavior/exploitative and that is borderline pedophilia

    Please tell me where I made up any scenario please tell me where I took something out of context Because did she not abuse her power station and wealth did she not exploit a child’s vulnerabilities for personal gain and benefit not and not set clear boundaries Did she not recognize from the very beginning that their relationship was wrong said with her own words and then did she also not stop and have a conversation about what’s appropriate with the child when she recognized that he had feelings for her did she not feed into it tease him and hold his hand And continue to love bomb said child then stopped visiting the child not because she was setting a healthy boundary, but because he’s acting in a manner that she does not like so she’s withholding affection to control his actions and manipulate his emotions and I’ll say it again y’all lack reading comprehension i answered the question of OP I said that it was borderline pedophilia, and that her actions were wrong and that could be considered grooming the child I further explained that grooming is not only romantic or sexual nature grooming is the indoctrination and brainwashing of a child to commit a crime Marriage fraud is a crime Her blackmailing him Is a crime Making their contract, null and void she made him into a child bride against his will and it’s okay because at least he got something out of it like the logic is unhinged

    And if you are an adult An age gap relationship is not wrong As long as the other party isn’t a minor and a is consenting adult. Minors scientifically Do not have the capacity to consent their brain isn’t fully developed As the adult you set boundaries and you behave appropriately Children’s crushes are harmless and a normal part of child development and adult should never feed into those crushes Or give any inkling of romantic involvement nor should you ever put your in a situation where you seek out a minor and they then develop feelings all interactions between adults and minor should be platonic and the adult have the responsibility additionally adults should not exploit or manipulate children period point blank

    Like at this point it’s truly feels like I hit too hard at home for a lot of you And you’re taking this personally and projecting like truly, what are you fighting for? Why are we justifying defending or protecting pedophilia and grooming? Why are we perpetually being raped culture, and internalized misogyny? Is this not a romance book about how a woman sought a husband and found a child and he fell in love with her and so they both fall in love but wait until he’s of age is not weird Is that not morally gray ?

    Reneec September 21, 2024 10:47 pm
    Excuse me? I think the story is dated back then when this kind of thing is actually legal. I feel like we shouldn't put today's insight. I do feel bad that she has to ask for a temporary husband and the stronge... Reader

    Like this profile was made last night 9/20/24 and the profile pic is a screenshot from 11:30 and the only book on the profile is this one like it’s pathetic is this a burner account are ur cooked you had to be your own back up or what

    Reader September 21, 2024 11:35 pm
    Crazy how this account was created last night with only this book on the profile doesn’t give burner account at all not sus at all lol it’s laughable that the argument is that child brides are cool because ... Reneec

    It's not her who chose the child. It's become clear that your didn't read the story. It was one of her workers who did.

    My bad for being new I didn't know that I had to be like a year old to comment. Now you're the one showing hypocrisy.

    Do not read the story if you do not mean to read it in a way that it's situated back then and with modern views. Time back then this was appropriate but it is not with our time now.

    There is a thing called reading comprehension and you child have failed. It is better for you to go and read something you find appropriate. Maybe modern romance, don't you think?

    Reneec September 22, 2024 12:31 am

    Lmaooo obviously you have brain rot you made this account yesterday sometime after 11:30 and then typed that whole essay by 12:16 you expect me to believe that you in that small window of around 40 minutes were able to read the whole book and then read this whole thread and then type multiple paragraphs the math isn’t mathing Second of all hypocrisy is making contradictory points to your stance I was never hypocritical by saying your new here I’m saying your account is sus

    Second of all, obviously you don’t have reading comprehension or literacy in general bc First off your grammar, absolutely poor the syntax and diction are all over the place showing lack of basic reading cognition you’re just throwing words out and selectively replying making no valid or coherent points there no relevance in your argument whatsoever it’s all illogical and bias

    Like if you actually read anything I’ve said instead of becoming rabbit with anger then you would clearly see multiple time I say she’s the adult and that she’s a 21 year old woman and he’s a 15 year old child I state she’s in the wrong bc she’s a adult she made the choice to pursue and solicit a child she has a list of suitors and sought out and chose the child then forced with blackmail to commit marriage fraud she her self says that she knows it’s weird and wrong no one forced her to choose the child she did that of her own volition she choose from multiple people and option and decided to go with the most vulnerable person a child so this talking out ur ass is literally comical at this point the time period is fictional and ur imposing your own societal standards on it bc you relate it to a certain time but that goes out the window when the person you are fighting so hard for has a whole monologue/Soliloquy about how she knows this is wrong and she knows that she’s forcing him and she knows that it’s a weird relationship. She literally thinks and talk about this herself so your whole point is irrelevant.

    Like I said from the beginning, you whack reading comprehension the three of you if you really are new are rubbing your two Brain cells together to try and come up with any valid argument And are coming out sounding like the three stooges Like open the schools back up you you need to take another Trip around the block and maybe you should Have more appropriate viewpoints Instead of letting a writer use grooming And pedophilia undertones as a plot device for romance

    Fujoshi for Fluff only September 22, 2024 4:20 am
    What point are you trying to make here like it doesn’t matter if I read it all or not I can register what is happening in the book a 21 year old woman should not have relations of any kind with a 15 year old ... Reneec

    Lol so you do agree you got riled up after reading the other comments and synopsis. Why don't you just move on and find some other stories? You have been camping here for days when you hate the story so much.

    Fujoshi for Fluff only September 22, 2024 4:22 am
    1st I am in the psychology field I work in LA county in Pasadena school district with underprivileged kids and am on my way to being a social worker 2nd you don’t have to be in the field to recognize that thi... Reneec

    Ohmygodd. You have this mentality even when you're in psychology field. I feel bad for your patients.

    Fujoshi for Fluff only September 22, 2024 4:25 am
    Crazy how this account was created last night with only this book on the profile doesn’t give burner account at all not sus at all lol it’s laughable that the argument is that child brides are cool because ... Reneec

    Girl please do a favor to your patients. And change your field. It's not normal to get freaked out by a fictional story, writing essays after essays in this comment section when you have got ACTUAL Real psychological issues to handle. If you're this pissed about a story how would you even react when you deal with ACTUAL GROOMER AND PEDOPHILES.

    Reneec September 22, 2024 9:13 am
    Lol so you do agree you got riled up after reading the other comments and synopsis. Why don't you just move on and find some other stories? You have been camping here for days when you hate the story so much. Fujoshi for Fluff only

    Like this is what I’m talking about with reading comprehension I had a conversation/debate with someone of what was happening and responding to the op yall inserted yourself in a dead conversation bc you Took it personally I never agreed that I got riled up. I said you guys are foaming at the mouth to defend justify and protect Grooming, predatory behavior, and rape Culture I’m not camping here you guys responded to my comment you guys included me in this conversation which you could see because you replied to what I said I don’t hate the story. I’ve never said that I hate that the author use grooming borderline pedophilia for plot devices when asked if this was pedophilia, I said yes, and no because of the Morley gray background of her grooming but go off I love that for you i just never would feed into or perpetuate derogatory content

    Reneec September 22, 2024 9:18 am
    Ohmygodd. You have this mentality even when you're in psychology field. I feel bad for your patients. Fujoshi for Fluff only

    My students/Impatient are just fine. I have students have gone into the Marines, Soldiers army Air Force , doctors ,nurses hell I have skydiving instructors and a world renowned fighter in ufc Juliana Padilla on my résumé and I’ve been recognized by international conventions. I don’t need to be validated by you.

    Fujoshi for Fluff only September 22, 2024 9:24 am
    Like this is what I’m talking about with reading comprehension I had a conversation/debate with someone of what was happening and responding to the op yall inserted yourself in a dead conversation bc you Took... Reneec

    For a story you DON'T HATE or don't bother about you have been writing thesis man. Just move on.

    Fujoshi for Fluff only September 22, 2024 9:25 am
    My students/Impatient are just fine. I have students have gone into the Marines, Soldiers army Air Force , doctors ,nurses hell I have skydiving instructors and a world renowned fighter in ufc Juliana Padilla ... Reneec

    Yeahh it's still concerning.

    Reneec September 22, 2024 9:32 am
    Girl please do a favor to your patients. And change your field. It's not normal to get freaked out by a fictional story, writing essays after essays in this comment section when you have got ACTUAL Real psychol... Fujoshi for Fluff only

    My love I ay this with so much delicacy you don’t understand look up the Padilla family, which I have mentored and been involved with look up Tatiana Suarez look up Julia Padilla look up Ricky or even Steven comstock some of California’s most best and brightest I have only had one professional failure, and that was with the child who is in cult
    And it is absolutely normal to get into controversial topics that writers use as blood devices we seen this through to kill a Mockingbird, of mice and men and Lolita hell even Frankenstein not to mention any of George Orwell Your opinion is invalid because obviously you were not in depth in the Literary Review
    These are real life things that happen and the writers use as plot devices
    Let’s not forget y’all came to me and commented on my stands reply to what I said you involved me this is grooming and borderline pedophilia I’ve worked with children who have arranged marriages to people who are adults. I don’t get what you’re fighting for. I’m not pissed. You guys want to have a debate because you replied to me you want to have a conversation about this and so I continue the conversation/debate. You wanted to state your opinion I stated my opinion as well as facts And moral ethical psychological And scientific backing of why I believe what I said

    Reneec September 22, 2024 9:38 am
    For a story you DON'T HATE or don't bother about you have been writing thesis man. Just move on. Fujoshi for Fluff only

    Why reply why comment why start a conversation or discussion if you don’t want to have a proper debate I didn’t hat I answered OP question and you took it personally and decided to involve yourself and try to invalidate me I literally never hated on the story I can’t stress this enough they asked if it’s pedo and I said borderline

    Reneec September 22, 2024 9:41 am
    For a story you DON'T HATE or don't bother about you have been writing thesis man. Just move on. Fujoshi for Fluff only

    Like I said perpetuating Harmful narrative is not my thing. I never said you can’t or can’t read this. I never hated on it. I didn’t like that the author used Real life situations for a plot device I said that this is borderline pedophilia uses pedophilic undertones, and is grooming its a 21 year old and a 15 year old I won’t justify or protect that

    Reneec September 22, 2024 9:43 am
    For a story you DON'T HATE or don't bother about you have been writing thesis man. Just move on. Fujoshi for Fluff only

    “I mean yes and no it says she in her early twenties and he’s 15 but later says they’re 16 years apart making her 31 and it’s quite obvious that he’s in love with her but she’s entertaining it Teasing him and not shutting it down Even though a child’s crush is harmless it is not harmless for an adult to feed into that crush It’s borderline grooming And emotional manipulation especially bc they’re already married and going to divorce and saying nothing happened while underage is a Predator statement It’s like the men who groom, young girls and wait for them to turn 18 so the world sees them as women and now they have a pass“

    This is the statement that you all took offense with

    Fujoshi for Fluff only September 22, 2024 12:29 pm
    “I mean yes and no it says she in her early twenties and he’s 15 but later says they’re 16 years apart making her 31 and it’s quite obvious that he’s in love with her but she’s entertaining it Teasi... Reneec

    You're right. Blocked and never replying back. Hope you find peace too.

RyuRyu March 3, 2024 12:09 pm


The baby is sooooo cute!!

    Soobin March 9, 2024 11:48 am

    the one time i actually want a spoiler

RyuRyu February 27, 2024 3:37 pm

Cringe ( ̄ε(# ̄)Σ wtf with this shit

RyuRyu February 25, 2024 8:40 pm

Dropped this shit

RyuRyu February 21, 2024 1:41 pm

Love this story cause there is no romance !!

    JustBeingMyself February 22, 2024 10:05 am

    Makes me wonder why there's a Romance tag out there. All we get was a kiss (≧∀≦)

    Tsura Sobasa February 22, 2024 2:05 pm

    Exactly! That's sooo rare when the MC is a FL! Maybe because she is androgynous? Anyways, I'm thankful for a great example of a story that can be thrilling without having the need for romance! That's what great story telling is! ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ

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