lilchilled created a topic of 19 Days

ı really want to read it but it is too long

thank you for so many chapters me and my greedy ass wish more(jk)

lilchilled created a topic of Sit, Wait, Kiss Me

thank you for so many chapters me and my greedy ass wish more(jk)

lilchilled created a topic of My Purrfect Boss!

okay so me and my dumbass cant wait for new chapters and try to read it in spanish ı am so unhappy that purrfect story give a final :/

lilchilled created a topic of Stranger Than Friends

we are not complaining about waiting 2 weeks ıt is not the problem. the problem is some f*cking people are so mean to a good translation. ıf they know better they can read in korean or buy actual translation ı am so pissed of who says your translation is wrong

lilchilled created a topic of My Purrfect Boss!

ı just reread while waiting update ı wish ı was not broke too buy lezhin membership

lilchilled created a topic of My Purrfect Boss!

ıt is almost 1 am and ı am waiting for new chapter..

lilchilled followed a list

Everything you ever wanted to know about fetishes* 
*but were afraid to ask

Be aware that many of these manga are {{{HARDCORE}}}
but you already knew that. Why else would you come here ;)

This is an ALL INCLUSIVE list. Some subject matter may be disturbing.

This list shows one manga for each fetish, but more manga with the same fetish may 
be linked under the same entry. Also: links that provide more information about the fetish.

If you like this list, please consider recommending it.
~ J

23 01,2021
lilchilled created a topic of My Purrfect Boss!

ı reaally hope our preicious seme save him before that bastard snake rape

lilchilled created a topic of Stranger Than Friends

why people complain about it is uncencored it was perfect

am ı the only one who feels it gonna end angst?

lilchilled followed a list
03 01,2021
lilchilled followed a list
03 01,2021