Bro the ml is yato but why i feel like its jahun im cryin it looks like jahun cares more to fl

If you've read carefully, the last line, "sure it may be good for the heart but ion about that, imma see thru the story first" it means that I don't know shit much fyi and I only read the manhua but not the novel, nevertheless my opinion might change and switch teams. please do fix your reading comprehension.

He gave them permission to do it at first but only for the rich aristocrats because he’s greedy and wanted to gain good standing with them. You could say that he was basically using her flesh to network so to speak. but then ppl started taking advantage of the fact that he gave permission for ppl to cut into her and overdid it, nearly killing her in the process. Only then did he stop it.

If u think about his situation, it isn't bad. I mean yeah it is bad, he basically treated her like shit at thr beginning. Like everyone else did and still some do. But she is known as the ghost princess, people die around her. If u were suddenly married to "death", without knowing much about her.. I doubt you'd treat them good.. most ppl don't even see her as a person

Not you trying to minimize what he did. What part of it isn’t bad? The part where he gave ppl permission to cut into her and bleed her like livestock? Holy fuck it would have been more if a kindness had he just killed her instead. Also, judging a book by its cover is not an excuse to treat someone badly. It’s like you’re implying he has no brains and can’t judge for himself what kind of person she is thus everything he has done is excusable.

I went ahead and read more depressing spoilers about him so yeah don't mind me , he is a scum in the novel.
Judging books by its cover is sadly the thing people do, so yeah, I don't really blame that part. Like I said she is not seen as a person nor did he have any feelings towards her at the start. A war hero who killed dozens of people, do u think he would bat an eye if more died. But ye I'm not saying it's good, he is a bad man and I fully agree with u. But this is a dark story, u can't imagine a healthy normal relationship with either of these ML lmao

Oh yeah I forgot he’s an even bigger scum in the novel lol. But no I agree with you to an extent, the path of either relationship is not healthy in the least bit. However, yato is a literal demon who is only knows darkness and how to kill - even he has gone out of way to make sure he doesn’t harm her and protected her from other demons. When he found what those ppl did to her, he hunted everyone of them down. Anyway, from what I read in spoilers, her ending with him seems very happy and healthy.

Though I'm not really sold on Yato either, I disagree that Jahyun is a better match (and I say this as I like his design much more than Yato's), to this day (chapter 54) he refuses to express positive feelings toward her, is quick to anger and violence, never listen to her ideas (or yell at her because they're "stupid", like at least discuss with her man...) and is alway very abrupt with her, never slowing his pace down when he walks with her, dragging her along even though she's blind...
Like, so far I don't like either love interests but reading the comments I had expected Jahyun to be at least decent and so far he's... not that.

Can i get a link where yall read the novel for free please

Up to chapter 82 https://www.novelcool.com/chapter/Little-Mushroom-Chapter-1/4283034/
shitty people deserve shitty life. Congrats sheepmask i support u for doing that. Prefer a victim who “giving the same trauma” than forgiveness to a prey :p.