zhanghaobin created a topic of Kimi ni wa Todokanai

aaaa this is really cute i hope someone translates the next ones

zhanghaobin created a topic of Living With Him

this is so adorable such a healthy relationship

zhanghaobin created a topic of Sweet Man

this is really cute ;-; im sad that the other friend didnt become immortal in the chapters i wanted him to be with daniel anyways gunchan and ellian are so cute omfg theyre probably my fav couple here. gunchan's character is just really lovable like he's stoic yet so honest but the emotionally intelligent kind of honest not the assholey one. i also love how he is a loyal friend not like the ones who will put their friend in danger just for the sake of his own relationship. im a sucker for good friends

zhanghaobin created a topic of Escape into Oblivion

im reading this for the nth time aaaa this is so good this author really writes stories very well. i hope someone can translate the last part

zhanghaobin created a topic of May Belongs to Me

skskskksks the second lead guy is the only one whos right in the head ig the rest need therapy

i actually cried on the middle schooler story bc the poor boy was in a toxic environment. I feel no sorrow for the death of his predator cousin. the story attempted to show the reality of gay ppl rather than the fluffy stuff from fictions, i think i agree and understand on what has happened and been said on the inner conflicts of the mc, the internalized homophobia, especially that many lgbtqia+ do live in conservative environments where heteronormativity is pushed down our throats. this showed the fetishization of gay men and this made me think how many people dead ass need to get this out of their heads bc reality is far from it. they still end up showing it as something quirky, i didnt like it. its nice that the girl tried to be understanding but i hate the fact that the bl thing is hard to separate for her. a lot of what been said here are true but the portrayal of some are really bad. i HATE that the pedophile was shown as a good guy when this motherfucker is a disgusting piece of shit. I HATE that they portray pedophilia as something acceptable if you are gay.