I think we really need to de-escalate tentions in the chat because there is bad energy in the studio right now. I see both sides. I know we were left on the cliffhanger. Don’t worry the chapters will be uploaded for the people who are calling out people who are waiting for the chapters names like losers and every name but a child of God. Yall keep it. because y’all look as dumb as the people who are waiting for these chapters. AND Can we stop sending death threats on both sides y’all. LIKE relaxxxxx if you really read wanna PAY. Thank you

Help me HELP ME The hell is going on. The fact that I’m gonna have to let this marinate again for another year and hopefully the author doesn’t take like three month long hiatus’s, but help me is there a web novel someone let me know what happens cause I’m distraught. I’m distraught. I’m distraughttttttt. Someone let me know how this ends. I’m sick right now. Cause I don’t think I could go through this again this thing last updated in September 2024 it is 2025 where is season five ????? Can this lady get her revenge actually cause she live in peace for once. Can she have peace. Is that something she can have Someone let me know??? Because once again, I am distraught

Where the hell do I start where this season finale leaves us is we got a whole infidelity gate going on with a golden shower liking man who is down on his luck and needs to pay for his mom‘s medication and his puppy dog boyfriend who wants to do anything for him even after the GOLDEN showers. And don’t even get me started on the main couple and their whole miscommunication arc happening right now. Looooooord this is high stress.
Every time y’all like every time, I read this. Tears tears tears this is a sensational read SEN