Gattsu, known as the Black Swordsman, seeks sanctuary from the demonic forces that persue himself an...
- Author: Kentarou Miura
- Genres: Action / Horror / Mature / Seinen / Adventure / Drama
- Author: Park do-han
- Genres: Shoujo Ai / Romance / Drama / School Life / Webtoons / Smut
There's a new hero in town and he's got a bad attitude and a chainsaw dog demon! A dangero...
- Author: Tatsuki Fujimoto
- Genres: Action / Drama / Horror / Shounen / Supernatural
In the year 2038. A police state, scheming politicians, religios sects, revolutionaries and a secret...
- Author: Otomo
- Genres: Sci-Fi
Immortal Tatsu is an ex-yakuza who’s given up violence for making an honest man of himself - b...
- Author: Oono Kousuke
- Genres: Comedy / Seinen / Slice of Life
Anzai, half vampire, and Tsukasa, a normal school girl.<br>Vampires seem to be living among hu...
- Author: HANADA Ryou
- Genres: Action / Drama / Horror / Romance / Seinen / Supernatural
Pairing: Bokuto x Kuroo...
- Author: Takamachi,Zenra
- Genres: Yaoi / Doujinshi / One shot
In a world entirely ruled by giants, the human race, which has turned into their food, has surrounde...
- Author: ISAYAMA Hajime
- Genres: Action / Drama / Fantasy / Historical / Horror / Mystery / Shounen / Tragedy
Tanjiro is the eldest son in a family that has lost its father. Tanjiro visits another town one day ...
- Author: Gotouge Koyoharu
- Genres: Drama / Shounen / Supernatural / Tragedy
Emma and her friends have a pretty good life at the orphanage they grew up in. Though the rules may ...
- Author: Kaiu Shirai,Posuka Demizu
- Genres: Mystery / Psychological