♥Love Hate♥ created a topic of Love Jinx

Caught in the act...then break up.....the end....

♥Love Hate♥ created a topic of Dream Sign

He kinda have a aloof vibes now....

A ship with the boss,does anyone agree?....

♥Love Hate♥ created a topic of Put a Smile On

Can somebody give a beating to the chairman.....

♥Love Hate♥ created a topic of Cradle of Imae

I wanna cry but,I can't....

♥Love Hate♥ created a topic of Summer Guest
♥Love Hate♥ created a topic of Secret Resurgence

Painter of the night but more decent......

♥Love Hate♥ created a topic of Lucky Paradise

Give him a ship with the red hair guy....

♥Love Hate♥ created a topic of My Uncle

May I ask a question,how old is uncle....

♥Love Hate♥ created a topic of Love Jinx

Just give up already...ur color doesn't even match....