I've read to many bl to know how this is gonna go:
Garam will probably lie about meeting his ex, coz he wouldn't want to worry him or some shit like that, then they'll fight over the appartment staff. The ex is gonna try get closer and it'll cause some misunderstanding between the two. They'll fight and then fuck and made up
I hope it doesn't go that way but I don't have much faith at this point ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

This is the problem when a polyamoruous (Evan) and monogamuos toxic (Spots) get together, nothing good can happen about that.
And of course our boy is going to be obssesed with cats. Cats are the fucking cutest thing in the word, who wouldn't be obssesed?? ヽ(`Д´)ノ
oan I love the author's comments at the end of each comic strip, I just gotta say it.
It's basically a gay tale-tell heart