Hi guys, I need help finding a manga but unfortunately I cant remember much of the plot. It was a yaoi, with angels that have magics. All i remember is it was a long ass manga, they have diff. World compare to humans and they sometimes go to the human world to dispel bad spirits, there is also a chapter where their world is attack by the evil spirits.
I dont know really, my mind is mixed up because i have read lots of stories . Im dying to know this manga.

I think they’re referring to this manga http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/asterisk/

Hi guys! I would really appreciate it if you can help me find this manga. It was a yaoi-fantasy or supernatural thingy. It was about a highschool boy who have a power and the reincarnation of a guy named Raki( I think they are somewhat angels or prist from long ago with a long black hair that have power to defeat black magics and demons) he also have a brother, and this dude have always nightmaires, this student also have a friend who was a heir of a family that protect a certain family, he have a long hair that is always tied in a pony. He was a master of judo and also the reincarnation of someone from the time of raki. They became lovers.
P.S: the look of the art is the same with the art of crimson spell and looks like this manga is around 2012-2015. I really dont know. Please help meee. Im dying to read it again thank you very muchhhh

I think you're looking for Genwaku no Kodou.

Is it just me? I cant sign in using my phone, Every time I sign-in my account it won't load. I tried to sign-in on my laptop, and I don't have the same problem with my phone, I can't see the comments and the update (/TДT)/ ; and every time i finish reading a manga, this fashion net something always pop up on my phone. (╯°Д °)╯╧╧

Tomorrow is my final exam, and Im here reading manga rather than my reviewers. Oh banana! Im so fuck up.
I wanna curse yaoi right now but hey, I cant, it is life ughh! I really need a miracle right now.
#Blank map of Africa and 120 items of exam. Great, this is really great.

Same here, haha. We had a week to prepare, then after students complained they gave us an extra week. Guess what ? I wasted both here. Finals start tomorrow, but I'm still here as you can see. Well, honestly, even without me being here I can't study unless it's the night before. The thrill is what gets me going. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

Well at least my answer wasnt bad just like my classmates wrote lol. "Dangerous animal =Komodo Dragon and a fucking Panda?! Seriously? How did panda became dangerous? I'll understand if it was dangerously cute though. They also wrote, the answer Nescafe on the question "Largest distributor of coffee in thw whole world which is supposed to be brazil hahaha

Virgins are curious. Thats why they are more pervert than those who have experience.
Please, give me a peace of mind.
HOW DOES sex FEELS? Popping cherry ass is accepted. Just answer me. (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜

Maybe I just think differently than most people, but I have always lived by the philosophy that if you enjoy it, if no one gets hurt more than they want to and if everything is consensual then there is nothing wrong with anything. I personally think that too many times people go by what 'society' thinks and don't stop and evaluate for themselves what they think is ok and is not ok. Just my opinion, not trying to judge anyone.

Exactly!!!!! The whole mentality of "You don't think, act, or talk the way I do (don't have the same morals...)therefore you are wrong." I try to avoid those kinds of people, so I'm basically a loner! lol. It's a way to avoid thinking for themselves, they just go with the flow of what 'everyone else' is thinking. Kinda sad

We arent talking whose the one who is jealously perverted here. What I want to point out here is, virgins are very curious because they dont have experience. they always wonder "How it feels, how to do, does it.... and how should etc." There are also virgins who dont care what other think about them voicing thier curiousness about this topic. So its cool

well, i can say i dont care how people think on how i manage my everyday life. Some people think im weird and i was like i dont care. My life, i owned it so whatever i do doesnt mean a shit on them. btw, im basically a loner too, doesnt have enough friends who understand my weird personality, but im cool, i still have 1 or 2 friends sticking whit me. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
As a woman with no experience, I always wonder. "How does sex feels?" Because according to the mangas I've read, all the dudes looks like they are enjoying it lol. And does it really look simple as that?
BTw: Im not underage. In on my 20+ age and just curious...
????? Whats with you dude??
What the hell is up with you? Got a stick up your ass dude?
Yea I always wonder how it is and yea I'm a virgin because my religion forbid us to have sex before marriage
Rule #1 of yaoi that no one seems to understand: Yaoi does not equal real life. That's basic sense.
Sex is a different experience for everyone their first time. Since I’m a pervert (not joking, I actually think about sex too much), my first time was really easy and it felt really good. It’s basically a more intense version of masturbation. If you don’t masturbate, I would definitely suggest you try it out. But good sex feels like a sweet sensation building up deep in your stomach. You build and build until your body can’t handle the pleasure anymore and you come crashing down really quickly and then your head gets all fuzzy.
Ignore rude comments. U get that from time to time.
Now,i f u absent because of ur religion don't feel too bad.
Fact is,sex is different from people to people...if could be u, it could be ur spouse.(whichever wants to treat their partners right,they will improve their technique in bed with time) what's important is effort!
Just take it easy, when the time come just discussed with ur partner how u want the life to be.
Life is more than just sex.
For startes for you too, not everyone wants some dick like you. Im just asking curiously, can't find it to be nice and be rude ey? And also, who cares about staying with my mom? Mom doesnt love you? Well not my problem. Another thing is, Im not like you who goes for every "local neckbeards" I see on the street, im not cheap you see. And I would like to congratulate you for getting the right thing about me not being social, my bed loves me so much he doesn't want to let go.
And, maybe you already notice but if not sucks to be you, im not a nice person who will just say thanks. BTW, Your answers arent needed because it didnt answer my question. Thank you, next! Ohh wait, i forgot, im swifty so it should be look what you made me do.
Should be, poor her. Might send her some best wishes
People arent always so bright that they cant understand the question on the first read. Forvige her
Like yeah! You got my point, just pure curiousity because in my family, sex without meriage is lfrown upon so i just give up. Might find my man after graduating lol
I understand the rule and will always keep that in mind. Just curious about how authors can draw emotion on their characters like they like and how it feels nice
It sounds amazing and scary at the same time lol. Imagine a man can drive you crazy with lots of feelings and emotion in one go and make you light headed. I do masturbate and feels amazing but im honestly curious how it feels when someone do it for you and thank you for your honest answer
Rude comments are fun lol. And I like reading and replying to them so its cool.
Its not really about religion but I just feel like I want it to be special, like to be with someone I decided to spend the rest of my lie with lol. Im actually slightly a pervert (even though i don have experince. Its base on my research "yaoi" only" so I jist dont know if the man will be ready for that.
Also, I love how you said life is more than just sex, and how you pointed out the a parter is important to discuss such thing. Ill surely remember that. Thank you for hour honest answers
Good for you girl!
Don't succumbs to troll/hate cyber bullying comment (didn't they learn cyber bullying can lead to suicide? Take Sulli case lately. I hate them!) Keep on trolling them but ignore them if they're too much.
Is ok to be a perv and kinky in bed. Just make sure ur partner wouldn't mind it. And your right, it is special when u can only gv the first time to that special someone.
So is ok to take time and look for that special person. Hope you have a happy days ahead!
As always,keep loving urself.