Nooooo Thais Yulman what did they do to your name I shouldn’t have peaked at the manhua it’s gonna break me
On another note another thing that bugs me is their hair ; in the novel Kishiar and Yuder are always well-groomed while in the novel they always have little hairs poking out I feel like I doesn’t correspond their(especially Kishiar’s) character
Oh shit I never thought about that! I don’t think there will be a continuation of this but that’s interesting. I will say I actually really enjoyed this dynamic. Never viewed Bakugo in that way….but I’m still glad I got to see it lol
Isn't there a chapter missing ? Before the monster outbreak in the prison, didn't Lu Feng invite An Zhe because he was cold ? On another note thank you for the translations〜
Nooooo Thais Yulman what did they do to your name I shouldn’t have peaked at the manhua it’s gonna break me
On another note another thing that bugs me is their hair ; in the novel Kishiar and Yuder are always well-groomed while in the novel they always have little hairs poking out
I feel like I doesn’t correspond their(especially Kishiar’s) character