I don't get why people are hating on the seme? he literally don't wanna do BDSM and it's been like that from the start, he just follows along with what the uke wants because he's in love with him and is afraid to lose him (again.) the uke is the one that's into it and pleads with the seme to continue with it. the uke needs to get better at expressing his feelings and communicate better. sure the seme needs to communicate better two. there's 2 in this relationship. but the problem is that the uke is still prepared for the seme to leave him (like he's actually waiting for it to happen) and the seme knows this and that's why he's getting desperate for a reaction from the uke, like literally any reaction at this point. the uke is used to abuse and toxic BF's so that's what he keeps expecting from his partners, he knows no better and doesn't know how to express himself since he's not used to it and has always followed along with what his partners wants from him. there's so much I could write but this is it for now lol
I knoooooow like someone out there is pointing out that he's bitching about s&m when he was the one who always goes along with it and the uke is bwing pampered here and there. Like bruh, uke needs to make some effort too, not just the seme. It's not an excuse that he has trust issues because of his past relationships, he should be the one to realise that seme is not trash like his old boyfriends. The trying part is a wrong move from seme but we all know that if we were in this same situation, we would have tried it as well. So now, all I want is for them to talk it out, cry it out, and hug it out together. Sex is not always the answer.
right?! this seme is not really doing anything bad? like I don't get it? why the hate? he's just doing what the uke wants him to do. example, people saying the seme is toxic for slapping the uke wtf the uke wanted him to, he literally wants him to hurt him. the seme is just tagging along on it, despite hating it since in his mind he's hurting the person he loves, he wants to pamper him with love and show how he's different from the uke's ex boyfriends sigh in the seme's mind he knows that he uke loves him back but he also feel like the uke is just waiting for him to throw him away. he wants the uke to trust him more and believe in him more. right now he might be getting the wrong love advice from his colleague but I don't think he knows what to do anymore so he's just going with whatever might work at this point. This seme is one of the better ones out there ffs I think people also tend to forget that we get to read what's on their mind but in reality of the story neither the uke nor the seme can read each other's mind bubbles like we can lol I'm kind of just waiting for the uke to show his jealousy at this point and letting out all of his feelings so they both can feel secure in the relationship. because like I said, right now the uke is waiting for the seme to get tired of him and leave him, he doesn't dare to believe in their love and the seme is waiting on the uke to trust him and that he truly loves him and won't ever leave him
Gosh, I never enjoyed reading a long ass comment or reply from mangago but yours made me feel like I was talking to a long time friend as I agree with everything you wrote lmao. Idk anymore, I already stopped reading the comments because the kids are all so biased towards the uke since he's shown as the hurting one and the traumatised one that they forget how traumatic it is for the seme as well being with the uke for years as a second option or as a breather. BRUH. Not everyone would do that even if they love you. I actually commend this guy for being there for this uke despite all the hurt he felt for all those years. I, and I think we all, understand how hard it is to trust someone especially if you came from toxic relationships, but DUDE, that was the uke's CHOICE. I don't think he never felt that seme actually likes him, he definitely knew, but chose not to pursue because he was afraid of what might happen if they actually became a couple. He's anxious, because he wants seme by his side forever, and now he's extremely anxious because he himself said it, "If he changed as well, then I really do have a problem." He knows that he has a problem, not just his partners, but he himself. So Idc if seme chose to lie to him to get him to show how he feels, he needs to be shaken up so he could realise a lotta things he needs to realise. Gosh, we speak in paragraphs
I agree so much. Why are people always do biased towards the uke? Actually many times the seme are trash and then I agree with taking the uke's side and wishing the worst for those seme but idk why it's become a trend now, despite what the uke does. I mean being traumatized does not give you the licence to traumatize others. And for those why say it's seme's choice, well, you weren't so supportive of the uke's choices when he always went around looking for bfs in trashcans did you? You'd still call his exes trash right? So what about what the uke is doing to the seme, who he knows loves him? Using him ? Hurting him? Didn't that make uke a horrible and selfish person? A person's feelings can turn cold after being played with for all those years. Still the seme loved him.
Also, did you say the uke knew how he seme felt and still hurt him on purpose? Did he actually love the seme while dating others, or was the seme just a convenient shelter for him? Regardless, that's terrible. How can people be so blind and not see how the seme also went through so much for years even though they can see clearly how the uke felt for 2 days. Just because someone appears stronger, has a bigger built and is the 'seme' , I feel like quite stereotypically, his pain and weakness is given a lot less priority and is less relatable to the readers as is prominent here.
Why didn't the uke date the seme tho? Coz he thought the seme too would 'change'? Well then, why didn't he just stop dating anyone and just be with seme without any relationship? Afterall he did see how the seme didn't meet anyone else right? If he really did love and cared for the seme, I think he'd have thought along those lines? No?
Now that I think about it, it's really late, it's 2024 already, haha sorry for the rant. Just got aggravated a bit.
I love this story so much, it literally has everything I want in a BL. the story is soo interesting ( • • )!!