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Actual Monsters(19) 2021-08-17 0
Big Bottom Boys(5) 2023-02-12 0
Not horny but worth reading anyway(6) 2019-10-11 0
Siblings(19) 2021-07-27 0

Charo's topics ( All 9 )

Charo September 24, 2017 8:59 am

lol I saw that coming. Diesel is super hot though, I mildly hope for some friendliness between him and Bexan, even after the car thing.

Charo July 1, 2017 9:00 am

I feel like the only way this can end well is if somehow Kyon is able to make the decision not to hurt Lucaon. And other servants were able to break the bond.. so?? he should be able to? Hmmmmmmmmmmm It's up to Kyon I suppose. This plot twist is awful

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Hi! If you're here you must have seen something I've said! I'm pretty noisy and opinionated, but I like to read stuff and I'm just figuring out how this site works. 
I've read alot more than what's in my profile, I've just started putting things in here lol It's a slow process cause I'm lazy.

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