i stayed for the dynamic between kentarou and tatsuya. i thought i saw a glimmer of my favorite 'why can't i be good enough to fix you/i will do everything in my power to do it anyway' trope-ish thang coming from kentarou and i absolutely adored the childhood bestfriends thing he has going awn.
i just met that izuki dude and he bothers tf outta me, stupid lil bugger. i fucking hate the rei-izuki shit going on too. bro... like my stomach's churning its so fucked. i don't know what i expect from 'yaoi' titles anymore but fuck, not that nasty incest shit. why is that always included, yall couldn't make anything else popular? how about some nice ol domestic /husbands/?!?!!?? shit 凸
AHHHH THAT "MY tatsuya" LINE- that's what i'm here for. that is what i am here for. though, i could do without the two obvious "tops" fighting over tatsuya and that brings me to the top/bottom trope dynamic in most yaoi and BL manga/manwha/manhua (what have you). i despise it. i really truly do. But, being the sneak and snoop i am, i saw a comment mentioning tatsuya and kentarou switching later on in the story. THAT IS ALSO WHAT I AM HERE FOR!! gay relationships are so much more than the helpless, short, femme, bottom and aggressive, stoic, tall, top. they are so much more than those labels (that obviously extend past the sexual aspect of m/m relationships) and im so stoked for that. I already rlly love bara and yankee/ii tags since they tend to stray away from the heteronormative roles so this has been sortve a let down and satisfaction. but i digress.
humanoid forms of orion and scorpio! they're more bearable as cute animals..
ughhhhh kentarou being a crybaby as kids is v v precious >>>>
and so is tatsuya being a little badass getting into fights to protect him
bro am i just a sensitive pussy or did that kentarou wanting to be tatsuya's rock rlly get at the heartstrings. i want them to be happy and comfortable and safe holy shit this is already so unfair.
aight that's it. i fucking hate the brothers. idgaf if they have some tramautic ass backstory or even if fucking and being grossly homoerotic for siblings made them have trauma but rei is literally setting tatsu up to be gang raped... are yall not seeing this shit? imma vomit or sumn idk and idgaf, they can both choke and die. i was already pissy over them but :! plz god, is this terrible.
and then always with the comedy relief immediately after something like that-? ugh whatever, im glad rintarou is sticking it out and its satisfying seeing rei so frustrated. god is that brotherhood a shit show, i blame it on negligence and i blame it on the older brother for being a stupid ass.
i listened to this a lot while reading
chris garneau’s dirty night clowns is also fitting… not as poetic as the smiths tho! :)