I’m actually surprised with the amount of people in the comments who are saying that Haesol is the ONLY victim and Haesoo wasn’t aware of it.
Haesoo is CLEARLY a victim too and from what I can tell. I’d even go as far as to say it’s probably worse than Haesol. For example he mentions “remember when she (I’m assuming the mom) used to swing at us?” I’d take it one step further to say that the hide in seek might have been hiding from the mom as well.
Keep in mind that their mother got SA-ed and that the reason Haesol was abused was because she looked like her dad. Now imagine how Haesoo, the exact replica of their father, was treat.
Both siblings just have VERY different ways with dealing with trauma. Haesol sounds like she has Dissociative amnesia (a memory disorder that causes people to forget traumatic or stressful events, including those from childhood). On the other hand, Haesoo sounds like he either has already gotten over the trauma and is making jokes about it (a perfectly normal response to deal with trauma); or, he doesn’t understand what normal actually is and is still struggling with how to deal with it. Either way, they’re SO OBVIOUSLY BOTH TRAUMATIZED!