Aonohana answered question about have an unpopular opinion
People really out here hating on kimetsu no yaiba? Like, mainstream anime are mainstream and popular for a fucking reason obviously. I feel like people think that not watching big animes like Naruto and Tokyo Ghoul etc and calling them overrated makes them sound thought provoking and special but lemme tell you. . .you're not, you're pretentious. Al......
Aonohana created a topic of No, you na.

This is super cute and lovely. Kina-chan really is admirable, a lot of ppl would understandably reject fostering two strangers on a whim but I feel like I would do the same in that situation. It would definitely stress me out though. I'm ready for some drama and conflict though. Wanna see Touma be a dramatic, pubescent boy at least once.

Aonohana answered question about i'm looking for friends
Idk what to tell you, I'm the same. I know I have exams and tests and I know I should make an effort to study and I know that failure is expensive but I have no motivation to do anything. So I procrastinate, then feel bad, then procrastinate some more. You just have to stop and realize that what you're doing will only end up hurting you. Sometimes ......
Aonohana answered question about anal sex
I'm good with anything as long as the storyline is good. I'm not a fan of stories that showcase incest , rape or adult x child relationships or child porn (teenagers are fine) as something great or like if the plot centers around these things, its an immediate no for me. If its like a tragic story with a good thought out plot, sure. Fiction reflect......
Aonohana created a topic of Live or Not

So long and stressful but I'm happy how it ended. That awful bitch junghye, as much as I hate her ugly ass, I'm happy she can get yet another proper lease on life. I'm so happy for Valor and Chastity. Seeing my own grandparents, I can understand what it looks like being in a loveless marriage. They are a lot like them before everything. I would hate to live my life like that.

Aonohana created a topic of Harukaze no Etranger

I've known this forever but kids are super annoying. I know it's not on purpose but geez. Fumi was a brat at seven and a brat at 13. But apart from that, Mio and Shun are the cutest.(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ. The story is so fun without the excessive drama that bl and yaois are full of. It's a great change of pace.

Aonohana answered question about i like crying
I mean, is it that big of a deal? The new uploaders usually leave contact info if the old uploaders have an issue. Bad translation or good. Heck, as long as it's uploaded I can make do. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
Aonohana created a topic of Unintentional Love Story

Yes to the haircutヾ(☆▽☆)

Yeo fucking Baekha. Get over it. Stop worrying about those dreams for a minute and allow the nice man to kiss you T^T geez.

Aonohana did

2508 people did   /   2054 want to do

With my first bf. It sucked because I honestly didn't really like him and he wasn't a great kisser. Neither was i tho

Aonohana answered question about hide yaoi
I guarantee he would be a terrible husband. But if it works out, get him to introduce me to tendou
Aonohana answered question about hide yaoi
No but it's not like try to hide the fact or anything. I just don't read the explicit scenes around ppl because no. But if she did find out, she'd probably just be concerned or look at me weird but it's not like she can make me stop so it's whatever.
Aonohana created a topic of Broken Season (Revised)

Definitely frustrating. I can't say I like any of these characters, they pissed me off at every turn especially Haero who, traumatised or whatever, kept running away and being stupid. And Don gave in so easily. Nami is probably closest to my favourite character, nah maybe Dongju is honestly. But Nami set her own self up for pain, knowing full and well Don did not love her and then you're gonna try killing yourself. Over a guy??? Umm....despite all that I didn't hate the story. It wasn't too bad tbh, cute and fluffy here and there. I did feel like the pace was a bit fast though. Or maybe that was just me

Aonohana answered question about question
Boy me, if I were cool and charismatic
Aonohana created a topic of EQUIPOISE

It's been so long I feel like I've forgotten everything. But I'm still so happy T^T

Aonohana answered question about things u do when ur sad
The pedo ones are super weird and gross but shipping everyone else, toxic or not is just for fun. It's fiction.
Aonohana created a topic of Wagging the Tail Webtoon

This story is so fucking dumb but the art is so pretty I could cry ヾ(☆▽☆). So many random ass plot points were introduced and forgotten but hey it's yaoi so I can't be mad at it lol. And the switching was fun so there's that.

Aonohana answered question about question
Hehe, my hair type is tighter tho but roughly accurate lol
Aonohana answered question about question
People are bored or they want attention or they want to share their opinions or they want to socialize. Idk It's pretty pointless but it seems that like most other anonymous sites like this one, people need an outlet to troll. I don't think anyone really takes any of it seriously. And if anyone does my advice is to go outside and get a life or some......
Aonohana created a topic of Hate Mate

I'm so fucking happy he ended up with Jun. I was super upset because as much as I understand Soobin's feelings, I didn't want him to drag Jun into his whirlpool of confusion only to leave him for the most confused guy in this manhwa. It was really veering towards Hyunwoo but thank god for the change in direction. Also, I love how realistic it was. Soobin really was a pain in the ass but lovable and Hyunwoo had his chance for five years. Usually they would have ended up together and usually we hate the other love interest but I can say with my whole heart that I'm glad Hyunwoo and Soobin didnt work out. Poor shit- I mean Dungjun never even got a girlfriend lol. He suffered the most, poor baby