Aonohana created a topic of Lonely To Organdy

I read the last chapter with 'my tears ricochet' by taylor swift in the background. It was so fitting omg

Aonohana created a topic of Limited Run
Aonohana created a topic of The Art of Taming A Tiger

Damn...I kinda feel really sorry for yeom-ra

Aonohana answered question about question
when they have a baby and its so small its ridiculous, like the size of the father's/alpha's palm
Aonohana created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

I need the father to end up in a fucking car accident and be bed prone for the rest of his life or better yet him and all the whores he carries in get aids

Aonohana created a topic of Kiss me, Liar

How has this gotten such a high rating??? If you can manage to tolerate the first couple chapters enough to see through the rest of the story, I'm atleast 90% sure it's still trash. The characters cannot possibly suck any more than they do. Keith disgusts me. The mc is varying degrees of idiotic, annoying and lacking any form of self dignity whatsoever. I don't even care how it ends anymore and I have no intention of finding out. Every single time I have tried to read it just to finish it and call it a day, each chapter continues to irritate every fibre of my being. With that said, I give up on it

Aonohana followed a list
17 11,2022
Aonohana answered question about question
Bdsm babe. Some people like that temperature play stuff. Some don't. It's just preference.
Aonohana created a topic of Love So Pure

I don't remember her name but as much as I hated her, I've come to like her. She probably had a hard time expressing herself which made her came off badly on others but now that she can be around other people who try to understand and correct her behavior, she can be a better person. It's not anyone's duty to correct anyone or make an effort to find ways to justify anyone's actions but it is an act of humanity to try and understand a person and not judge too quickly based on certain actions. Though some things are inexcusable and no proper means can justify unforgivable ends, I honestly believe that we should always try to understand everyone's side, thoughts, perspective on situations.

Aonohana created a topic of Exotic Love

Imagine if heegyeom is doing all this with some ulterior motives. Like he's trying to make him hurt or something. I really want them to be happy but if mr director isn't able to throw away his pride and properly say sorry, I won't be satisfied.

Aonohana answered question about question
Yes it does get wet when aroused. To ya know help out the sperm and ting. But not like frigging ocean floor like in these adult mangas.
Aonohana answered question about question
I throw all logic out the window when I read bl or any sexy sexy manga because there are way too many points to be made. Also for the non-omegaverses, your ass doesn't self lubricate. Mostly because it was never biologically designed for intercourse. If it is moist, its mucus(not a lot either) and that probably has to do with the lining being torn.......
Aonohana created a topic of Love So Pure

The fucking business cards I CAN'T-

Also, I've never looked more forward to a side character relationship like I have with yosef and daesik. I dunno if it's actually gonna happen but I'll take front row seat tickets to see a whole spin off series about them.

Aonohana answered question about petition to remove my brother
I mean. . .I read straight porn too. If people be getting naked and the story is good, I shall partake. Sue me bitch.
Aonohana answered question about petition to remove my brother
Lemme just drop some MDZS fan art because unless you're planning to kill me yourself, your opinion is worth a grain of salt in the dead sea~ insignificant
Aonohana created a topic of Exotic Love

Jaeha, you stupid asshole, don't make me cry anymore. I'm happy you're now seeing the err of your ways and I already see heegyeom forgiving you but you better fucking properly apologize. And be happy I don't want to see you sad, it makes me sad.

Aonohana answered question about learn japanese chinese korean
I tried to get accurate but this is as close as it'll get
Aonohana created a topic of Love Tractor

No. Go away. He doesn't want to be in Seoul. Let mans be with his 60 inch tv in peace

Aonohana created a topic of Checkmate(TAN)

Soohyun, you dramatic baby. I would literally just burst into laughter, I'm sorry but a villain monologue seems a bit much

Aonohana created a topic of Form of Sympathy

Damn Jiri. Life kinda sucks for you baby. Please, Yuri, just love him properly. You both need it