worie September 4, 2024 9:17 am

I've read it a long time a go maybe when I'm still highschool. Not sure if it's Chinese manhua or not but the story goes like this: The MC is a girl and a famous painter online but no one knew her face. She have an online boyfriend that message her like to meet up f2f and ofcourse the mc's a shy and timid type and so she ask her bestfriend to meet up with her online-bf in her stead. Following days in the mc's discover a new comer in the apartment she lives in, and it becomes her neighbor (which is his online bf).
Later on the bestfriend started to like the mc's bf and she tried to steal him. One day the 'boyfriend-guy' saw that there's a message from the girl's phone (they're on a date, and she goes to the bathroom I guess) with the name of her online-gf so she confronted the girl and then she knew it was not her online gf. Then the mc's bestfriend tried to ruined her (she's rich by the way) by sending a pic of the mc's painting to a much more famous painter (a new char) and saying that the mc tried to plagiaries his work.

I can't remember anything more than this huhuhu. I once read it in wecomics? webcomics? not sure I just want to know if anyone read this or remember it somehow. plssss help meee I want to finish this story in my head.

    worie September 4, 2024 9:18 am

    I just copy it when I saw it on reddit, It got me interested so if anyone ring a bell with this plssss let me know

    Miss Misty September 4, 2024 10:40 am

    Hey , I think I've read it . But it's so long I've forgotten the name . But let me search it

worie August 25, 2024 3:53 pm

I've read it once and forgot the title. I believe it's been a couple of years since I've read it so I've forgotten it already but want to re-read it again. It's a BL story where the uke is a big fan of the seme because he wants to be like the seme which is being part of a gang? Hehe the seme doesnt want to be in a relationship with a brat but they still become lovers if I remember it correctly haha, but the problem comes when a former guy who is in love with the seme knew that the seme is in a relationship with a kid(technically not a kid) he tried to harass it or something in the name of teaching him how to be the one leading it when doing s*x.

worie August 22, 2024 9:46 am

i've read it couple of times and i believe i marinated it too long or so i believe hehe. i remember it was a returnee mc from another world (not sure) and he has this one follower which is a goblin if i remember it right. the mc ask the goblin to transform into human for him not to be killed by others.......thats all I've remember ohhhhh the goblin is handsome in his human form

plssss if anyone know, remember, read this ones manhwa plssss let me know the title....thansksksksksksksk

    My_pfp_describes_me August 22, 2024 10:11 am

    From what I can remember, I think this is what you're talking about. I don't know if theres others with that scenario but from what I've read, this one has that exact scene.


    worie August 22, 2024 11:08 am
    From what I can remember, I think this is what you're talking about. I don't know if theres others with that scenario but from what I've read, this one has that exact scene. https://www.mangago.me/read-manga/th... My_pfp_describes_me

    thankssssss a bunch, I scanned some random chapter and thats it. its really entitled this one thank u gonna read it again from the start hehe

worie April 26, 2024 8:31 am

you see I just saw it in my newsfeed and I didn't get its title. Its kind of like action I guess, I just remember they are in the room and someone within the stage can see number above there head and this Mc was like targeted because some says he doesn't have power or so? but then the person on stage gets shiver as he saw a large amount of number above that mc's head when he was about to leave the room.

please can anyone give me the title....wanna read it. do you think it's good? please help

    worie April 27, 2024 3:08 pm
    https://www.mangago.me/read-manga/regressing_with_the_king_s_power/ Azaar

    Woooaahhhh thanks a bunch. Glad you found it I almost thought no one will reply to this , will read it and for sure I'll save it hehehe.

    Azaar April 28, 2024 6:26 pm
    Woooaahhhh thanks a bunch. Glad you found it I almost thought no one will reply to this , will read it and for sure I'll save it hehehe. worie

    no worries man, hope you like it!

worie March 30, 2024 10:45 am

It's BL and I think there's an age gap in them. I forgotten some details but I think the Uke is student or something and he likes the Seme because he thinks he's cool and S used to be part of a gang(or something can't clearly remember). Then the Uke saw a couple b*ng*ng in the car and he ask for advise on 'how to make it feel good on the partner'. Then little did he know that he ask the wrong person as that person used to have crush on the Seme and tried to have s*x on him in the past. And then to take revenge and to know what the Seme liked about the Uke he tried to have 3some and videocall the Seme showing what they're doing. Helpppp I forgot the title and want to read it again~~~~

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