Lizz want to do ( All 1 )


Lizz's experience ( All 0 )

Lizz's answer ( All 15 )

I rushed to close the webpage, very, very quickly... to turn on the same page/manga again after hiding a few seconds behind my own hand/pillows (like, hiding your face in it). Slowly reading while trying to cover my eyes with my hands/the pillow at the same time, whahahaha   reply
26 10,2020
Our darling from the shelter (nearly 1 year with us), Nova our around the 4 years old male kitty!   reply
04 02,2020
Does 25 also count? ;) And I come back once in a while to catch the new/updated manga's and dissapear for a few weeks after that most of the times. Though, depending on my mood I read in my free and sleep time ( ̄∇ ̄")   reply
03 01,2020
about no crush
Love is a diffucult feeling, for me atleast it was. Sometimes you fall in love at sight, sometimes it takes time. Also, it depends on 'being ready', but that b eing said... when are you ready? How are you ready supossed to get readdy...? Jeeez. I had a difficult time understanding what love was, how it feels and how to recognize that feeling. But......   reply
03 10,2019
25 09,2018
I would like a small group, so if you want Please add me Lizzy271194   reply
25 09,2018

Lizz's question ( All 5 )

Hi all!
I am a member of a Scanlation group,
because of trouble on the top we have
had tons of problems. But, right now,
we are getting better!
Though, we need some new blood.
We will help every Newby,
so no worries about your experience!

We need... You!
- Korean translators (priority)
- Quality checker for "I'm da best" (experience is a pre)
We have other tasks in the future,
so keep your eyes open ;)

Join our public discord
You can also pm me (also if you are not
sure or want to help in another way).
react on this question.

Enjoy your reading today!
28 01,2019
Hi all!
I am a member of a Scanlation group,
because of trouble on the top we have
had tons of problems. But, right now,
we are getting better!
Though, we need some new blood.
We will help every Newby,
so no worries about your experience!

We need... You!
- Korean translators (priority)
- Quality checker for "I'm da best" (experience is a pre)
We have other tasks in the future,
so keep your eyes open ;)

Join our public discord
You can also pm me (also if you are not
sure or want to help in another way).
react on this question.

Enjoy your reading today!
28 01,2019
Hi all!
I am a member of a Scanlation group,
because of trouble on the top we have
had tons of problems. But, right now,
we are getting better!
Though, we need some new blood.
We will help every Newby,
so no worries about your experience!

We need... You!
- Korean translators (priority)
- Quality checker for "I'm da best" (experience is a pre)
We have other tasks in the future,
so keep your eyes open ;)

Join our public discord
You can also pm me (also if you are not
sure or want to help in another way).
react on this question.

Enjoy your reading today!
28 01,2019
31 10,2018
Who is feeling, say... Not good,
negative or even depressed?
And are you reading Manga to
escape that feeling, or to find your answer?
No? What helps you best to recover?
Yes? Which ones helped/do you expect
to help (genres, storyline or
even specific manga/Anime)?
31 10,2018
Manga, anime or manhua.
You can talk in private on this website,
but not really as a group.
That's why I created this group!
I would like a lot of members.

We will use a system to discuss one subject every 24/48 hours and rate it.
I will especially focus on the effect these have on a
'mental state'.

Please leave your Line ID here.
23 09,2018

People are doing

did lose a friend

It was over smt stupid tbh like I was trying to make her feel better but then she started being mean and shi so we split. (IT' A LONG STORY.

3 hours
did i have a phobia

I thought I was afraid of the dark but over time, I came to find out it was shadow figures instead (and no, I don't mean ours.)

3 hours
did i have a phobia

Heights can't do them

7 hours