but ML sure needs to know that he isnt in charge of what everything FL does, like she was genuinely interested going with Duffrey or whatever the blonde kid’s name is. But Jade never let FL speak. But when Viche said to go with Jade he didnt say anything more, like i know you love her but to make her not make any decisions for herself and make situations with her always end up with you is like a turn off. ML needs to take lessons with Melissa (Beware of the villainess) BAHAHAHHAHAHA
Yeah, and it’s not that deep. And Nine isn’t trying to control Melissa, all he was doing was showing fucking concern for her, like a good friend would. But ofc, some of y’all can’t even accept that he was really only concerned and try to make it seem like he’s trying to manipulate her or some shit. He’s not. Nine is more dependable on Melissa than anyone else, and I know damn well that if I was in his shoes and someone I love is about to poison themselves (even if there is a high rate of success) I’m not just going to sit back and accept it. I’d probably say the same things Nine said. To not be so reckless just because you’re strong. I think anyone else who wouldn’t react in that way is a bit off their rocker. Melissa thought that Nine was saying that because he thought she was a weak human. But Nine does not even think of her like that. She misunderstood him completely. So no, neither Nine nor Jade need a scolding.
Youre taking too much on Nine’s side that you didnt take hold of Melissa’s view on the subject -_- Nine’s worries are totally acceptable, Since Melissa is the only one he has and the only one he cherishes. But at some point, Nine is also looking at Melissa like a glass that would break at the slightest touch. It was very evident that Nine was very worried at Melissa everytime and anywhere even though Melissa is very strong and thats where the problem is. Melissa is strong and an independent woman, and Nine is lowkey looking at Melissa as something weak and a fragile being that would break at the slightest bruise. And dont say that “Nine does not think of her like that” just because he said it doesnt mean he is showing it. Thats why there was a misunderstanding cause Nine wasnt showing that very clearly. Nine needs to have faith and extreme trust in Melissa.
Dont just put yourself on Nine’s shoes and situation. Also try analyzing and be in Melissa’s situation. If I am Melissa and I have a plan to go against the rich guy that aims to get my bestfriend (Yuri) with the highest possible chances of success I would do it. you said “If someone I love is about to put themselves in danger I would accept it” but what if you also think of the other situation “Someone I hold dear and whom I cherish is going to be taken away from me, I need to do this plan”
You don’t even understand Nine. It was MELISSA who was thinking that Nine thought of her that way. Not Nine himself. The entirety of that scene was from Melissa’s POV, so it was expressing what SHE thought. None him. Nine does not think of her as a fragile glass doll, if he did, he wouldn’t be so dependent on her and rely on her so much.
You act as if you’re looking at both sides when you can’t even see the characters properly as they are. Melissa is insecure because of her position that is vulnerable, therefore she thinks that everyone around her considers her some fragile glass doll to be broken. That’s not it, at all. As the trainer girl said, Nine is worried because Melissa is strong, but reckless. Nine does not think of Melissa is a weak, fragile, glass doll. He knows damn well that she’s strong. She took Nine’s words and misunderstood them, even reflecting on that fact that she was too harsh.
And damn right Nine doesn’t think of her like that. “Just because he said it doesn’t mean he is showing it.” What you just said here literally makes zero sense. But I assume you’re saying that just because he doesn’t say it doesn’t mean he doesn’t show it. But all Nine did was show concern for Melissa. You talk about how he needs to have extreme trust and faith in Melissa, but Melissa also needs to have trust and faith in Nine in knowing that he doesn’t underestimate her or think of her as weak just because he’s a werewolf. All he did was show concern for her, but she reacted like that because she misconstrued his words and intentions. Nine has always been by her side supporting her, and he was just showing concern. She needs to trust that he does not view her as a weak fragile being . Because he doesn’t. Period.
The entire scene was told from Melissa’s POV. The entire manwha has been told from her POV. So all of that scene was her own interpretation. It was not omniscient. What you’re doing is confusing Melissa’s view on Nine as true and objective. Which isn’t at all. The whole misunderstanding started because Melissa thinks that Nine thinks she’s weak. Not because Nine “wasn’t showing that clearly” or whatever the hell you’re talking about. It started because she thinks Nine views her as weak. That is why her outburst started. You act like Melissa has no flaws whatsoever and that she’s the one in the right in this situation, but really, she’s at fault for not recognizing that Nine does not see her in that way. Additionally, when she was talking to her instructor, the pointed out how she was dense and could not read the room. And it’s true. Melissa couldn’t read the room and couldn’t see that Nine was purely worried for her, not underestimating her.
I’ve fully taken Melissa’s view on the subject but it’s clear that you haven’t taken Nine’s if you think he views Melissa as weak. Just because I’m taking Nine’s side for being worried doesn’t mean I can’t see why Melissa thought the way she did. But it doesn’t make her right. Nine didn’t need any scolding because he didn’t do anything wrong. It was Melissa who interpreted his words the wrong way.
Either way, I will no longer be responding or viewing this topic anymore by muting it and blocking you. I don’t want to play a game of tug-of-war and have an argument with you, who can’t see the full picture. You will be talking to a wall if you respond any further, with no one to read the thoughts you want to express to me but yourself. Goodbye.
bl. Pls no love triangle. Not slowburn but not entirely fast development also. Like cherry blossoms that yaoi manhwa but no sex.
I just finished reading it’s so cute
I read this a long long long long time ago I vaguely remember it
A boy loves his father of course the boy was adopted. The adopted boy wanted to become a teacher to follow his not real father’s steps. The son(adopted) loves his father so much that he wants to have sex. I think they did. But here is the plot twist (I think)
The adopted boy was the one who killed his father’s biological son and the reason his father adopted him was to kill him, but he didnt, in the end the father killed himself infront of his adopted son
Pretty sure you're talking about this https://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/the_perfect_relationship/