ScarletteDiesForHinta&Kazuichi answered question about question
i dont know if this is a crazy weird one but ppl have said it's weird when ive talked it before so whatever. Eren from attack on titan but SPECIFICALLY his titan form. it's hot in ways i simply cannot explain. idc what anyone says he's a hottie (in this form. human him was ugly until the later seasons)


  • Author: Tokita honoji
  • Genres: Yaoi

i was gonna say that this guy was the greenest flag ive ever read but baek youngchan exists sooo lol nvm. this story is sweet and i love a good "overworked n dying + someone who cares and helps them out" trope haha. the art is also good so that gives it points. 9/10

okay from like literally every detail im seeing here, the only way you're gonna dance with him is asking the teacher or asking the dude himself. im gonna be so real here when i say if you don't get proactive here, IT WILL NOT HAPPEN!!! no sugarcoating it but not doing anything abt it wont get you anywhere and you prob wont dance with him. if it doe......
ScarletteDiesForHinta&Kazuichi answered question about question
i never check ratings outside of a passing glance. one of the best stories that ive ever read has a 8.2 and it's total bs. im pretty sure its because it's in a genre that usually has op mcs and hot women everywhere and it doesnt really have either so the 13 year olds got disappointed about that and had to leave a low review. regardless, reading the......

ive went and checked the paid source to see what's going on with it and the next chapter is "to be announced". its been over a year since last update though so id be really surprised if this ever updated again. id assume the raws are the same way but i dont have them so idk. such a shame, the story was starting to get good :( if anyone has the raws lmk

honestly im one of those ppl who was dying for the flashback to fucking end but holy fuck man... this legit hurt my heart. you can love or hate the author but jeez they can do a heart wrenching death scene.. very masterfully done. made me ugly sob reading through this. especially that bit at the end saying he was only 33. its touches like that can make something sad into something really sad. at least we're finally moving on from the past

In my clean boy era
In my homophobia era 

It's not all men, but it's a good majority of them
Gay son or thot daughter? 

Homophone/ Homophobe

Part of the Male Extinct Specie 
Pray for USA #ThirdWorldCountry
Pray for Britain #Colonised
Part of the Human Race
Sub Category#1: White Race
Sub Category#2: Sun Cancer
Sub Category#3: Racism

Cannibal Fridays
Vegan Cannibalism
FatherBastard's Slave
Premature Death Enthusiast
Formerly Known as Skeppy
Local Hobo Bastard
Satan's Sexiest Spawn

PTSD (Post-traumatic down syndrome)
Seasonal Depression 
Sex Anxiety
Prone to Existential Dread
Survivor of the Corona Virus
Queef Addict
Tame Impala Fan
5 cm Dilated Asshole

Update: New Diagnosis
Porn Addiction

Alcoholism on Tuesdays only

Incel on Fridays only
Femcel every other day

Proud NEET

Lover of Elliot Rodger
Lover of HalfBreedSlumPet
Lover of BigDickDaddy
Lover of Supreme Gentlemen




Gender is a social construct. So is gay sex.

Omegaverse hater, in general.

Dick lover
Cock sucker
Queef master
Street beggar

31 01,2024

y'all have no idea how close i am to licking my screen it isnt even funny. also ive read the raws for the next chapter and im literally death gripping my pillows bc it's so damn good. get your hearts and your lower halves ready y'all like genuinely if this chapter is causing a horny meltdown rn then yall are going to fucking DIE when chap 23 comes out

Can I spread my homophobia agenda there?


My loves
Trashy cliche Joseis
Slice of life


19 01,2024

okay i know i should be like jumping up and down with excitement to see bastard bitch boy get whipped with baek's meaty man hands but im really really worried what seo is gonna be doing behind the door. we already know he doesnt believe violent ppl can be changed and i REALLY dont think that room isnt gonna be sound proofed. hes so gonna hear all the violent sounds and i can only imagine how badly hearing someone you're in a relationship with hurting someone and not being able to do anything about it bc the door is locked can go...

the shit that really hurts me the most here is that apparent regret on taehyuk's face at the start of the chapter. im trying to keep going past it but its so fucking obvious that he really didnt want this shit to happen with someone he may as well have raised... at least we're one chapter closer to getting back to normal, right?

this shit is gonna get bad real fast. like next chapter fast. i havent read past 80 just yet but it ends on the most deadly cliffhanger that could kill a small animal. seriously get your damn hearts prepared. I'm gonna put down some more indepth spoilers further for anyone who want to know what's going on. also if anyone wants raws, DM me and ill send the link over

seo takes lil barista friend to his house since barista's had something happen to it. after a talk with Baek about what's going on, the two walk to a convenience store. barista turns his back on seo for a bit to get some stuff and hyunsoo gets kidnapped by some unknown sunvabitch. though we definitely do know who the fuck did it. right then it's implied but it's super clear on what happened.

i.... i dont know what to think about this. the scene itself was good outside of "the white stuff" and obviously rape but i genuinely feel shellshocked. my boy tae-hyuk does not deserve this shit im starting to think hyo-un is maybe not the best ml. obviously he's a dragon so he's not a kid in human terms but he's still like a kid right? im not gonna be one of those puritans who're like "GRAAAHHHH he's a kid fuck you mc for letting this happen even though you begged for him to stop amd he didn't ROAAAHAHAH" but idk it's just weird. if we could just hurry up and let tae-hyuk die or whatever the hell is gonna happen to him and move back to present time i would really like that. the more i can forget about what just happened, the more i could feel okay with downloading this shit

holy FUCK that final line actually made my heart skip a beat. "

maybe all the times ive felt lonely were simply preparing me for the day i finally got to meet you". bro typing this out is making me want to fucking SCREAM OUT OF SO MANY EMOTIONS. i love them more than i can even put into words ;∆; cant believe this isnt a 10 starred story like what the fuck

i came here to check if it was really as bad as ppl were saying it was and holy SHIT... who the fuck greenlit this????? somebody saw this and was like "yeah she's ready to go!!! post this one!!" im losing my mind

cackling im ngl

we're almost there y'all. this misunderstanding hell is almost done with!! it should only be around- (expand to see how much longer we should have. im pretty sure it counts as a spoiler haha)- before everything is chilling with them and they're happy again! keep strong yall. i know this mess is infuriating but shit is gonna get worked out!!

3-4 chapters more!!!

also i might be reading into this too hard but yk how baek put seo's lil shirt garter on for him? the last time the garter was a plot point (kinda) was when baek took it off when they was all hostile and not happy or whatever. im thinking that this is a symbolic fixing type thing. him putting it back on seo was a little thing to show that they're like fully fixed from that point. idk if im looking at it too hard and it's just supposed to be fan service or some shit but im gonna pretend this theory is fact cuz it's cuter that way imo

legitimate tears running down my face from back calling seo sweetie and kitty. legit so fucking adorable