Ok..so...what happened? From what i get he travel back in time? And the fireman died in that apartment? The scene withe the black background and suit wast si small that i wasn't sure if he actually died or fot injured or what

Fireman died in the past. The killer tranqed him and put spray paint cans in the microwave so it would explode, he was ded ded. Soh (policeman) went to track the killer down and went back to the place where the white dog was burned since "killers always go back to the scene of their crimes" but he was caught and also murdered by the killer and regressed.

After chapter 14 (official version) i don't like ML it was all somewhat ok until we learn that not only he was responsible for the recent kidnapping but also for the last situation. Also we don't know how long was he in contact with them . Ehhh the plot was interesting and was going to let go off the ML and hiss clear possesivnes since he learn he wasn't a omega even surveying him in the house (it's not normal but i was i was going to let it slide) but for him to be resposible for that it's too much. Im not sure if I'll drop it bc plot is intresting like why is he lying and stuff but I'm not sure how much more of his"possessiveness" i can take

Like i get that in romance they seometies do this trop of the ML being jealous over anyone and anything and i can i understand some people might like it. But i think we should put a stop to it when it's literally KIDS. And especially when it's their own kids (i know that in this story it's a adapted child but i meant it in general). That's not cute or romantic anymore that's just imature and possesive and huggggeee red flag
Aaaa one doesn't want to be avoided and the other doesn't want to be puahed away. And they literally can't live without each other they're too cute