Ok but how is leo younger. From the character profile it looks like they're the same age
and leo is from February and JJ December doesn't that make leo older for almost a year? Or am i just really bad at calculating months? For me it would make sense if JJ was 1 year older then it really would be just 2 months difference

How are they one year apart. I understand in Korean culture it might be considered but normally are they not only 2 months apart in that case. Sorry If I sound stupid.. But let's say if we are talking about their age in March 2025, they both will be 24 years of age right. So they are essentially the same age...

I'm ised yo just saying the age you're going to be in that year might be just cultural differences. I have similar situations with my cousin I'm from late December and she's from February so I'm technically just 2 months older but it's always just said that I'm 1 year older as we just look at the year we were born and not as much a month. It might also come from the fact that that's how you're sorted in school eventhrough there is just 2 months differences we're in a different grades

Same with my other cousin born the same year but he's early January and me late December so technically a whole year apart but we're always talk that we are the same age bc we just go for the year and months only become important when bday comes and maybe if you want to tease your frineds a bit but culturally for me it's considered that you're the same age no matter what month you're born as long as it's the same year

Bruh why they even allow derric ANYWHERE NEAR her wtf. Dad had a good scene before the party but now he's back to his bullshit? He literally accused he of wanting to poisoning that faker and dad did nothing did scream a little but no consequences then " you're not in charge of the investigation" like that amounted to anything. Without Callisto there is no accountability in this house. Once again the first thing he does when he sees her alive is to accuse her. Father needs to actually start doing something. I know that derric was still brainwashed but that does not excuses the father's inaction. Reynold you've pretty good finally someone that told them BOTH to shut up bc they're making things worst.
She's so real for it's a YOU problem
Such an icon really