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So 23 kindle or ebook is up (renta, Amazon japan, etc)





So the group had another funeral for tora’s dad (committed suicide for coming out - I’m not sure about the coming out). Tora was sitting alone and Asami enter and ask what happened with matsumi and the dad. Matsumi was out of the room listening in. Find out that Tora like his dad and love (not incest) matsumi. The dad would beat Tora up to be a yakuza, and matsumi would buy ice cream for Tora. One of the student when Tora was young talked back against Tora because he was a yakuza. The dad was angry, and Tora and matsumi beat the student up. Then, Tora was abandoned for awhile by the dad to be yakuza again. Matsumi got Tora, but Tora was happy because he knew that matsumi was get him. Matsumi thought that Tora was innocent and naive and annoying. Tora distanced the dad, and matsumi was closer to the dad after that. Tora collected vintage bottle cap, but threw it way about of the dad. Asami asked if Tora rebelled from the dad so that matsumi will be loved by the dad. Tora said that when matsumi was happy I was happy too. She said that Tora give too much to others, its is why Tora and rogi were similar but different. She said to teach their son not to be lonely, but she said that she not extreme like Tora to incites jealousy (rogi).

Asoda and Asami were talking about his past with rogi. His grandmother own a store, and rogi would steal from it. Asoda told his grandmother, but she knew and said that friends are important. When the grandmother died, rogi cried a lot saying that the grandmother loved his a lot. Asoda was angry about it. Now, he was regretful.

Asami meet matsumi during the funeral to find rogi. (I think that she was Tora to love both instead of love neither like the past with matsumi and the dad). And matsumi agreed.

Another day after the funeral, matsumi called Tora to go to city to help him. Tora went to a house seems without people, but one of the room was rogi bound. Tora unbind the rope, but rogi said, “I won’t see your face.”

Interesting. I’m for Asami so if she wanted it then but still. If Tora talked to Asami about having a open relationship instead of meeting his mistress after having sex in the home that she lives. Rant over.
the next scene is a sex scene between Tora and rogi (scaberix Twitter/instragram). I think most people are against toraxrogi because the cheating because scarlet beriko posted a sex scene (without nudity) and said to accept the two. Also, the rating isnt good. The volume 2 was half of copy that the vol 1. Thank goodness that cheating is unacceptable no matter what. I think that 24 is the end of jealousy (scarlet Beriko said it on Instagram, saying that jealously will end this year, but it was in Japanese so lost in translation?). I still curious why Tora would have his son raped multiple time and be shot then meeting rogi.