In a world where people have supernatural creatures as pets, a certain family has a pet demon-lord S...
- Author: Otou-san
- Genres: Comedy / Slice of Life / Supernatural
- Author: Nishi no kiosk (souichi keishi)
- Genres: Doujinshi / Manga / Yaoi / Adult / Mature / Smut Doujinshi Manga
Thirty-three years old, a 10-year-old theater actor Naa Jung engaged to a third-generation chaebol? ...
- Author: lee song jung
- Genres: Romance / Shoujo / Comedy / Webtoons
Will this love come true some day? Exiting their awkward one-sided loves<br>original webtoon:&...
- Author: Kim Injung
- Genres: Comedy / Drama / Romance / Shoujo / Webtoons
Moon Crystal Cosmetics is winning the hearts of female customers everywhere- with its all-male team ...
- Author: Kwon Hana, Na Jongmin
- Genres: Webtoons / Comedy / Romance / Slice of life
Tomo Aizawa was able to successfully confess to her crush Junichirou Kubota. There is only one probl...
- Author: Yanagida Fumita
- Genres: Comedy / Romance / Shounen
Imagine what it is like to be raised by a gay father who insists that you call him "mom". The main c...
- Author: yuki yoshihara
- Genres: Comedy / Gender Bender / Josei / Romance / Smut
Yura Hwang, an actress that only gets to act as extras for all seven years since she has started her...
- Author: chae eun,godago
- Genres: Drama / Romance / Shoujo / Webtoons
How romantic meeting his destined lover in travels! In this story, he picks their shells of memory f...
- Author: Young Dream, Papacoola
- Genres: Comedy / Romance / Drama / Webtoons
“I’ve never kissed anyone before… so help me out. Please?” Seoha’s di...
- Author: yuju
- Genres: Josei / Drama / Mature / Romance / Slice of Life / Smut / Webtoons
Yu Mang Mang, a senior student who is graduating soon still doesn't have a boyfriend. That is becaus...
- Author: Xiatian dao,Can can
- Genres: Full color / Long strip / Official colored / Romance / Web comic / Webtoons